Agenda - 11-04-1998 - 9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-04-1998
Agenda - 11-04-1998 - 9a
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Last modified
8/13/2015 4:42:38 PM
Creation date
6/28/2010 4:43:35 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19981104
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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OLD CHAPEL HILL -HILLSBOROUGH ROAD 9 <br />PROPOSED ROAD NAME CHANGE <br />FOR THE NOVEMBER 23, 1998 PUBLIC HEARING <br />CITIZENS: At the May 6, 1998 BOCC meeting residents that live along Old Chapel Hill - <br />Hillsborough Road (from Hillsborough to New Hope Church Road) presented a petition to the <br />Board to change the name of the road to Old Hwy 86. Their reasons for the request are as follows: <br />1) The address as it is currently written has too many characters to be held by many modern <br />computers; <br />2) Attempts to abbreviate the address are not standard and cause mail to be lost; <br />3) There is extreme difficulty in giving the address verbally over the phone to companies which <br />need to send information; <br />4) It is logical that the entire road have the same address from Carrboro to Hillsborough. <br />ORANGE COUNTY EMS: The Director's preference for providing. emergency services would be <br />to have the entire road have the same name. <br />HILLSBOROUGH PLANNING: The Director has stated that the department has no preference <br />for the road's name. <br />HILLSBOROUGH POST OFFICE: The Postmaster has stated that "We will deliver the mail no <br />matter what the address". <br />NCGS: ~ 1~3A-239.1. Naming roads and assigning street numbers in unincorporated areas <br />for certain named counties. <br />(a) A county may by ordinance name or rename any road within the county and not within a <br />city, and may assign or reassign street numbers for use on such a road. In naming or renaming a <br />road, a county may not: 'x <br />(1) Change the name, if any, given to the road by the Boarc~of Transportation, unless the <br />Board of Transportation agrees; <br />(2) Change the number assigned to the road by the: Board of Transportation, but may <br />give the road a name in addition to its number; or <br />(3) Give the road a name that is deceptively similar to the name of any other public road <br />in the vicinity. <br />A county shall not name or rename a road or assign or reassign street numbers on a road until it <br />has held a public hearing on the matter. At least 10 days before the day of the hearing, the board of <br />commissioners shall cause notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing to be <br />prominently posted at the county courthouse, in at least two public places in the township or <br />townships where the road is located, and shall publish a notice of such hearing in a newspaper of <br />general circulation published in the county. After naming or renaming a road, or assigning or <br />reassigning street numbers on a road, a county shall cause notice of its action to be given to the local <br />postmaster with jurisdiction over the road, to the Board of Transportation, and to any city within <br />five miles of the road. <br />
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