Orange County NC Website
Tax Collector Ginger Rolfe presented the present tax notice and described it in detail. She then <br />explained in detail the proposed format. By using this new tax format, the processing Costs will knuease by <br />;10,32. Although finis is an increase over our present cost, she feels that time will be saved in several <br />aspects. <br />Commissioner Hldkiotis commended Ginger Rolfe for developing this new format He feels the <br />information provided by this notice will be wed received. <br />Chair Margaret Brawn asked about paying for animal fees using this same form and staff vAll <br />look Into that poUi Commissioner Handolis. seconded by Commissioner Caney to approve <br />A motion was made by <br />the new County Tax Notice Format as presented. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Conti of Atoproval - Roof Aooraisal <br />The Board ronsidefed aPprovng a coneact in the amount of $23.040 with CTL DVineering to <br />conduct an appraisal of the roofs of all County buildings. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hatkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to approve <br />the contract in the amount of $23,040 with CTL Engineering to conduct an appraisal of all the roofs for all <br />County bLdWkVS commensurate with the proposal submitted dated January 21, 1998 and authorize time <br />Purchasing Director to woeute incidental paperwork necessary to complete this process. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Triande T Funds for pl Trattsportati n�lnittati <br />moo <br />The Board considered a proposal to request the support of Triangle Transit Authority for Orange <br />County's Empi rwd and Work Fast importation initiatives. <br />A mo*m was made by Commissioner Carey. seconded by Commissioner Halldotis to <br />request TTA's support for all five EmpioymeWWOrk First initiatives. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Raw HINSOM This ite vas aeleted from time agenda per a request from from the attorney for itme pr fed. <br />m <br />f. to Include a time for inspiration as part of the Board of County <br />The Board COrd4d6fed a <br />Co"In"Wo <br />Commissioner Ctowttmer said that he feels this is timely since we are beginnirq to meet In new <br />facilities. This would be a moment for meditation or pledge of aikgiance• <br />issues he has with this proposal. He has Warned <br />Commissioner Haddotis sited some personal � <br />th relat to issue of a moment of silence can't be done in schools but that other leg ative bodies have a <br />moment of Wence. He said that he has been elected three times and has been swum in a a County thinks it <br />Cwwskxw and • when s we don't get involved in sort of thing) because we are a diverse things. he me" !L He has seen am, <br />irmteresting that in Orange County <br />community. He respectKtib disagrees with this practice. <br />Commissioner Cry also shared some concerns noting that the County Commissioners <br />represent a broad cross section of people and our behavior should recognize that. He does not want to <br />offend anyone and whole a moment of silence may not offend anyone. it may. He prefers to keep it the way <br />it is and does riot support this itetrt. with Commissioners Haikiotis and Carey. <br />Co ner mmissio Gordon agreed <br />Chair Margaret Brawn also P to do her meditation on her personal time and in a personal <br />prefers <br />way. She feels that the oath they have taken is adequate. <br />CrowdW said he would We to have the i rmationth consider balanced with at this <br />inspkUtion but because of a lack of support will withdraw proposal <br />