Orange County NC Website
4 <br />The digital orthophotos will be provided at three scales: 1" = 100' for the urban areas of the County; <br />1" = 200' for the suburban areas; and, 1" = 400' for the rural areas. Because all will be digital <br />projects, they can be enlarged by our software to much larger scales while maintaining their high <br />resolution. We will demonstrate for you at the meeting the difference this makes when compared to <br />our current bases. Orthophotos can be used by numerous offices to observe ground features, <br />especially when other types of data are overlaid on the images. They will be of great value and <br />available to Emergency Management, Sheriff, Planning, Environmental Health, Tax Assessor, in <br />addition to my office. A visual image of the ground is very helpful to citizens seeking information <br />about their or others' land. <br />Because digital orthophotos occupy a huge amount of disk space, they will be typically stored on <br />several large Unix servers (in my office and EMS), but they can be loaded by other offices from <br />CD -ROMs. It is anticipated that the orthophotos of the entire County will occupy 12gb of disk <br />uncompressed. The typical user will download images of the area they are interested in from either <br />a server, a server on the intranet, or a CD -ROM. <br />In the demonstration we will show you what we are able to do today with GIS data; what we will be <br />able to do with the products you approve this year•, and, what will be possible with future phases of <br />the Atlantic contract providing digital topography and planimetrics. <br />2. The purchase of hardware for extending GIS work in the Land Records /GIS Office. <br />The request is to purchase two NT workstations for staff. One is to replace an existing Unix <br />workstation that was borrowed from the Assessor's office, and the other is to provide a workstation <br />for a mapping staff person who now has no GIS hardware /software capabilities. Each mapper needs <br />a workstation to perform editing functions or to provide GIS maps /data to citizens. <br />We also propose to purchase three digitizers to replace two very old existing digitizers and one for a <br />new NT. The expected cost of the hardware will be about <br />3. The purchase of GIS software for new and existing workstations in the Land Records /GIS <br />Office. <br />This request is to purchase one full functioning ARC/INFO license for the new NT's (they'll share <br />use of it from the server Roscoe) and two Arcview3 query licenses for the existing Unix server and <br />one NT. We also want to purchase inexpensive software (visual basic and arc objects) to manage <br />the interactive updating of the County's mainframe (Unix server) by the GIS workstations. The <br />expected cost of the software will be about r. <br />4. The purchase of training services and system development opportunities. <br />This request is to (1) purchase training services to enhance the GIS skills of application <br />development and system administration staff in programming and OS maintenance ($3,000); (2) the <br />fees and travel expenses of attendance at user group meetings, seminars, and training sessions <br />($1,800); and (3) the opportunity to purchase available GIS data from private or public agencies <br />such as new soil data from the State ($200). The expected total cost of the training and system <br />development will be about $. <br />