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Individual Adaptation <br />Profile Measures <br />Support <br />Social Support (Q92a -h): This summary scale assesses students' general level of social <br />support by asking if there are people the student can turn to at least weekly who listen, <br />express appreciation, comfort, talk about feelings, and help with concrete needs. A <br />dichotomous "no "/"yes" response choice is provided. "Yes" responses are counted to give a <br />score with an empirical range of 0 to 8, with higher scores indicating higher levels of <br />perceived support. <br />Home Academic Climate (Q65a -f): Six items are used to define a summary scale that reflects <br />the degree to which parents show an interest in the student's courses at school and plans for <br />the future. Students are asked whether they have discussed during the past 30 days such issues <br />as things they have studied in class with any adults who live in their home. Positive responses <br />are counted to create a summary score ranging from 0 to 6. <br />Parent Education Monitoring (Q66a -d, f, g): Six items define this summary scale that <br />assesses the extent to which adults in the student's home have had contact with the student's <br />school during the past 30 days and provided the student with structure and encouragement to <br />do well at school. Sample items include "Attended a meeting at school on your behalf," <br />"Checked on whether you did your homework," "Encouraged you to do well in school," and <br />"Limited the amount of time you could spend watching TV." A dichotomous "yes'Tno" <br />response choice is provided and affirmative responses are counted to yield a summary score <br />ranging from 0 to 6. <br />Self - Confidence <br />Self- Esteem (Q83a -h): This eight -item scale measures a student's sense of self - worth. <br />Statements relating to feelings of failure, self - respect, self - satisfaction, and recognition of <br />one's own positive qualities are answered on a three -point scale: "A Lot Like Me," "A Little <br />Like Me," and "Not Like Me." Responses are recoded to range from negative to positive, and <br />a summary score is created that ranges from 8 to 24. <br />School Coherence (Q36a -i): A nine -item scale is used to assess the degree to which students <br />find events at school comprehensible, meaningful, and manageable. Example items include "I <br />find school fun and exciting," "I look forward to learning new things at school," and "I am <br />able to overcome difficulties at school," Each item is rated on a three -point continuum from <br />"A Lot Like Me" to "Not Like Me." A summary score from 9 to 27 is created, ranging from <br />low to high sense of coherence. <br />School Influence (Q40a -e): Students' perception of their influence over events at school is <br />measured by this five -item summary scale. Feeling validated for ideas in class, ability to get <br />the attention of the teacher in class, and being able to get help from a teacher when needed <br />are example items. Students respond to each item as either "Difficult" or "Easy," and the <br />number of "Easy" responses are counted to create a summary score from 0 to 5. <br />School Behavior <br />Attendance (Q31a -e): Five items are used to determine the attendance behavior of students <br />over the past 7 days. Items include cutting at least one class, cutting the entire school day, and <br />missing school because of sickness. Students respond either "No" or "Yes," and no responses <br />are counted to create a response continuum ranging from poor attendance (0) to good <br />attendance (5). <br />Trouble Avoidance (Q32a, c, d, e): Students are asked to respond to four items that assess <br />how often during the past 30 days they got into trouble at school or failed to turn in their <br />schoolwork. Items include being sent out of class for misbehavior, fighting with another <br />student, and being suspended or expelled from school. Students respond either 1 (Never), 2 <br />(Once or Twice), or 3 (More than Twice). Responses are recoded to range from negative to <br />positive and a summary score is created ranging from 4 to 12. <br />14 <br />