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Peer Acceptance (Q53a -c, a -k, m, n): The relative standing of students in their peer group, <br />their ability to be themselves, and to resist pressure from peers is assessed by 12 items that <br />described various aspects of peer relations (e.g., "I am afraid to do things my friends won't <br />approve of," "I find it difficult to be myself when I am with my friends," "I wish my friends <br />would show me more respect"). Each item is evaluated on a three -point response continuum: <br />"A Lot Like Me," "A Little Like Me," "Not Like Me." Scores may range from a low of 12 to a <br />high of 36. <br />Family <br />Family Satisfaction (Q56a -e): Perceived family satisfaction is measured by five items that <br />examined various aspects of family support: loyalty in times of trouble, ability to talk over <br />problems together, support for attempting new and different activities, responsiveness to <br />feelings, and spending time together. A "true" /"false" response dichotomy is used, with the <br />number of "true" responses counted to form a summary index. Scores range from 0 (low) to <br />5 (high). <br />Family Integration (Q57a -g). This seven -item summary scale assesses the feelings of <br />emotional connection and bonding among members of the student's family (those who reside <br />with the student). Example items include "Support one another during times," "Give each <br />other plenty of time and attention," "Do things together," and "Work together to solve <br />problems. Each item is rated on a three -point response continuum: "A Lot Like Us," A Little <br />Like Us," and "Not Like Us." Scale scores range from 7 to 21, with higher scores indicating a <br />more cohesive family interaction. <br />Parent Support (Q63d, g, h, j, o -r): This eight -item summary scale asks about specific <br />supportive parental behaviors occurring in the past 30 days. Behaviors such as "provided you <br />with loving support," "made you feel appreciated," and "spent free time with you" are <br />examples. A three -point response continuum is provided, including "Never," "Sometimes," <br />and "Often." Summary scores range from 8 to 24 with higher scores indicating a more <br />positive response. <br />13 <br />