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APPENDIX B - SSP MEASURES <br />Social Environment <br />Profile Measures <br />(Student Evaluation of Situation) <br />NOTE: Item number references are for the paper copy of the SSP. <br />Neighborhood <br />Neighborhood Satisfaction (Q21a, c -g): Assesses the degree of cohesion, encouragement, and <br />support that students perceive in their neighborhood. Items include the interest neighboring <br />adults show in the behavior of young people in the neighborhood, available activities, network <br />support between neighbors, and the respondent's happiness with the neighborhood are <br />examples. Six items define this sub - scale, and students are asked to "agree" or "disagree" with <br />each item. Positive responses are counted to produce a summary score ranging from 0 to 6. <br />Peer Culture (Q22a -g): Determines the likelihood that youth living in the neighborhood who <br />are about the same age as the respondent will avoid negative behaviors and interactions (e.g., <br />get in trouble with the police, use drugs, join a gang, drink alcoholic beverages) and engage <br />in prosocial outcomes (e.g., graduate from high school, make good grades in school). Seven <br />items define this sub - scale, and students respond to each statement as "likely" or "unlikely." <br />Positive responses are counted to create a summary score ranging from 0 to 7. <br />Neighborhood Safety (Q23a -1): Measures student perceptions regarding the safety in their <br />neighborhood. It asks about specific incidents of violence and illegal activity that have <br />occurred within the last 30 days in students' neighborhood (e.g., "you heard gunshots," <br />"someone tried to sell you. illegal drugs," "a person was murdered," "a fight broke out between <br />two gangs "). Students respond either "no" or "yes" to 12 items, with "no" being the positive <br />response. A count score ranges from 0 (unsafe) to 12 (safe). <br />School <br />School Satisfaction (Q37a -d, f): The five items on this scale assess student perceptions of the <br />general academic and social climate at school. Example items include "I enjoy going to this <br />school, "I am getting a good education at this school," "Student needs come first at this <br />school," and "Every student is important at this school." Students respond to each item as <br />either "true" or "false." "True" responses are summed to create a scale ranging from 0 <br />(negative working conditions) to 5 (positive working conditions). <br />Teacher Support (Q39a -d, f -i): Students respond either "true" or "false" to a series of eight <br />statements that describe various feelings about teachers at their school (e.g., "I get along well <br />with my teachers," "My teachers care whether or not I come to school," "I receive a lot of <br />encouragement from my teachers," "My teachers understand racial and cultural differences "). <br />All statements are worded in a positive direction, and "true" responses are summed to create a <br />scale ranging from 0 to 8. <br />School Safety (Q45d, f -n): This summary scale captures student perceptions of the school's <br />climate for learning and positive social interaction. Ten problem behaviors at school are listed <br />and students respond to each as either "A Big Problem," "A Slight Problem;" or "Not a <br />Problem." Example items include student fights among students, student use of illegal drugs, <br />students carrying weapons, and racial tension. Responses are coded to range from negative to <br />positive and summary scores range from 10 (low safety) to 30 (high safety). <br />Friends <br />Peer Satisfaction (Q48a -e): Perceived friend satisfaction is measured by five items that <br />examined various aspects of peer support: loyalty in times of trouble, ability to talk over <br />problems together, support for attempting new and different activities, responsiveness to <br />feelings, and spending time together. A true /false response dichotomy is used with the <br />number of "true" responses counted to form a summary index. Scores range from 0. (low) to <br />5 (high). <br />12 <br />