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district in 1993 -94 and thereafter would no longer be given credit for more than ten years of <br />experience for the purposes of calculating their local supplement. These teachers, <br />therefore, received a 10% supplement which was increased as they gained more <br />experience in the district (e.g. after five years they would receive a 15 percent <br />supplement. By placing this "cap" on more experienced teachers who joined the district, <br />funds became available to increase the minimum supplement. This minimum was raised to <br />4% without increasing the supplement budget and to 5% this year after the Board of <br />Education added $39,000. <br />The present local supplement schedule for the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools <br />is as follows: <br />0 -4 years <br />5% <br />5 -9 years <br />6% <br />10 -14 years <br />10% <br />15 -19 years <br />15% <br />20 -24 years <br />20% <br />25+ years <br />25% <br />Options Developed by Teacher Supplement Advisory Committee <br />After developing and considering an different supplement plans, the Teacher <br />Supplement Advisory Committee presented four options to faculties for their feedback prior to <br />completing its final report. Each of the options is described below. Under each option, the <br />committee recommends giving currently employed teachers the choice to continue under the <br />present supplement schedule or to select the new schedule. Although this makes the whole <br />change process more attractive and less threatening, it does increase the cost of the plans. For <br />the plans with a maximum supplement below the present 25 percent supplement, the district <br />would accrue some savings, perhaps in 10 to 20 years, when many of the teachers under the <br />present plan retire. <br />Option A: Provide the some percentsoe supplement across all experience levels <br />Option A provides a 14 percent oca supplement to all teachers regardless of years of <br />experience. The rationale for Option A is that the new state teacher salary schedule already <br />reflects years of experience, degree attainment, license and tenure status. The present local <br />supplement schedule (with an increasing scale from 5% to 25 %) duplicates much of the reward <br />structure incorporated in the state salary schedule. A fixed percent supplement would be <br />provided in recognition that the state salary schedule is not competitive and that the Chapel Hill <br />and Carrboro area has a high cost of living index. A 14 percent supplement would be necessary <br />if the district is to be competitive at all experience levels. Wake County has the other most <br />competitive supplement in the region. Its supplement schedule ranges from 10% to 14.25 %. <br />The first year cost for Option A would be approximately $1,025,000; however, in the very long <br />run some of this additional expense would be recouped because the maximum supplement is <br />14 %. <br />0-25+ years 14% <br />Option B: Provide an Increasing percentage supplement which would make our <br />teachers the highest paid teachers in the state at all experience levels. <br />The rationale for this option is to position the distn" a so that our teachers are the highest <br />paid in the state, regardless of experience level (This is not true under our present supplement <br />schedule, especially for teachers with less than ten years experience.). Although the percentage <br />supplement does increase with years of experience, the scale would be flatter under this option <br />than under our present supplement plan (i.e. the range would be 10-15% instead of 5 -25 %). <br />This plan would significantly boost supplements for teachers with less than 15 years of <br />