Orange County NC Website
3. Provide the following enhancements for teachers as funds become <br />available. <br />• Provide a one -time, $1000 signing bonus for areas designated by the Board of Education as <br />hard to fill. (Estimated annual cost $20,000) <br />• Provide full in- -state tuition (limit of two reimbursable courses per year) for teachers employed <br />by the district to become certified in an area of scarcity. (Maximum available each year. <br />$25,000) <br />• Provide half of the in -state tuition for teachers who successfully complete courses directly <br />related to their present assignment. (Priorities would be established for qualification. <br />Maximum available each year $50,000; limit of $500 per person per year.) <br />• Seek assistance for teachers relocating to the area such as waiving utility and security deposits <br />or securing loans from the NC State Employees Credit Union. (No cost) <br />This recommendation is made as a plan which, at this time, is unfunded. The <br />Board's goal should be to fully implement all of these modifications and enhancements by <br />the school year 2002 -03; however, it is understood that sufficient funding is not assured at <br />this time. Each year the Board would need to decide how much of the schedule can be <br />implemented within budgetary constraints. <br />RESOLUTION: Be it, therefore, resolved that the Board endorses the proposed changes <br />to the local teacher supplement as outlined above and commits to implementing them as <br />quickly as funds will permit. <br />