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or enhancement to a new hire would be unfair to persons previously hired who had not <br />benefited from similar enhancements. <br />The Advisory Committee considered multiple supplement options prior to selecting <br />the four options submitted to the Board of Education. One of the discarded options that <br />received much attention was based on professional preparation and additional <br />responsibilities. This option provided a 10 percent base supplement for all teachers, a <br />$2500 supplement for up to 20 percent of a school's faculty to support lead teacher <br />responsibilities, and an 8 percent supplement for attaining master teacher designation. <br />The Committee believed that the availability of leadership ositions for which the <br />supplement could be earned were too limited in number (�20 percent) to allow a wide range <br />of participation. Teachers felt this type of program would be hard to administer and an <br />"add -on" to their present responsibilities. Teachers were distrustful of the types of criteria <br />that might be established in selecting persons for these leadership roles. Baying the <br />competitive nature of such a supplement would lower morale, teachers indicated that <br />accountability already has been incorporated in the ABC Plan, the Excellent Schools Act, <br />and the National Teacher Certification Program and, therefore, is not needed in a local <br />supplement program. <br />Conclusion <br />Clearly, teachers are very concerned about any contemplated modifications to the <br />local teacher supplement schedule. Teachers already feel underpaid so that any <br />proposal which raises the possibility of their future earnings being less than what they <br />currently anticipate is met with strong opposition, hurt feelings, and a sense of not being <br />supported by the Board of Education and the administration. Consequently, all four of the <br />proposed options, coupled with the grandfathering clause, ensure that all currently <br />employed teachers will either benefit from the new plan or continue to receive the <br />supplements prescribed in the present plan. <br />The four options are all sound and defensible and become much more acceptable <br />to our teachers if they are implemented with the proposed grandfather clause which would <br />allow currently employed teachers to decide whether to select the new plan or remain <br />under the present plan. All four options would allow us to accurately characterize our <br />supplement schedule as the best in the state for teachers at all experience levels. <br />Removal of the ten -year cap would allow experienced teachers who join our district and, <br />subsequently are tenured, to receive the same compensation as teachers with similar <br />years of experience who have worked in the district longgeer. Finally, the enhancements <br />that are recommended would allow us to recruit more effectively and to support the <br />professional growth of our teachers. The Board of Education is urged to provide as much <br />support for these recommendations as is financially feasible so that they may be <br />implemented as expeditiously as possible. <br />