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options will allow teachers to accelerate student's learning. The enrichment specialist will work <br />collaboratively with classroom teachers and will provide some direct services to students. <br />Assessment and Accountability <br />Student <br />Assessment is an important part of the learning process and is done for diagnostic and <br />accountability purposes. It communicates a child's academic achievement and progress to parents. <br />Consistent methods for assessment in each discipline will be established for the school with the <br />necessary staff development provided for teachers and assistants, as appropriate; to conduct the <br />assessment. Data from the assessment will be analyzed so that teachers can match instruction with <br />student needs. Information gained from the assessment will be reported to parents in an <br />understandable format on a regular basis. Assessment data for each child is matched with academic <br />standards in each discipline to measure the student's progress. The establishment of clear academic <br />standards for each discipline and consistent forms of assessment ensures that student progress is <br />accurately measured. The assessment subcommittee will: <br />-develop assessments in all disciplines <br />•outline staff development needed for teachers and assistants to use assessments <br />-develop plan for informing parents about assessment procedures <br />-outline methods and frequency of reporting progress to parents (quarterly reports and <br />semi - annual conferences) <br />Teacher <br />Teacher development is a characteristic of a healthy school and is shaped by information <br />gathered from a variety of sources. The evaluation of teachers will be comprehensive and based on <br />observations by supervisors and peers, portfolios, a professional growth plan, student <br />achievement, and feedback from parents. Mentors, peer teachers, house leaders and teacher <br />specialists will assist with observations designed to support teachers in the improvement in their <br />instructional program. The school leadership team, which includes lead teachers, will make <br />recommendations regarding tenure to the principal who makes recommendations to the <br />superintendent. The assessment subcommittee will: <br />-investigate alternative methods of teacher evaluation <br />-review options and propose a model for the teacher portfolio including a professional <br />development plan <br />-outline staff development needed for effective peer observations and develop a plan for <br />these observations <br />-outline guidelines for mentoring <br />Parents <br />Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. Signing a contract to volunteer <br />their time and talents, to attend school meetings and events involving their children, and most <br />importantly, to support their children by monitoring assignments, discussing daily school events, <br />and reading with their children is a symbolic commitment with the school to supporting their child. <br />The assessment subcommittee will review samples of parent contracts and create a parent contract <br />for our school. <br />Staffing <br />Teachers will have the opportunity to assume different roles in the school as house leaders <br />or teacher specialists with compensation linked to these varying responsibilities. This differentiated <br />staffing provides needed peer support for all teachers and compensation for specific <br />responsibilities. Some areas of support given by the house leaders and teacher specialists will not <br />5 <br />