Orange County NC Website
Technology <br />The effective use of technology can improve instruction and learning. The effective and <br />innovative use of technology by both students and staff is a critical element in this school. A <br />successful technology program is supported by modern hardware, quality software, staff <br />development, and techhical support. The Technology Director and User Support Technician will <br />support teachers in the development of their technology skills, in integrating technology into their <br />teaching, in supporting the school's vision of technology, in purchasing and planning, and in <br />maintenance of equipment and networks. All teachers will have a dedicated computer and students <br />will have access to computers in their classroom and media center. <br />During the planning year, a study will be conducted to assess the financial. costs of <br />providing computers to students who do not have them in their home and to create an <br />implementation plan. This would provide all families with access to the school's web site and to <br />communication through E-mail. Using the data from the phone survey, we may assume that 79% <br />of the families will have a computer that can access the Internet (See Appendix). An estimated cost <br />of $170,000 would provide computers for the approximately 100 families who do not have <br />computers. This cost does not reflect an estimate for technical support. During the first year of <br />operation, the school will make efforts to provide students with access to computers after school <br />hours by having the technology director and/or media specialist on flexible schedules. The <br />technology subcommittee, working with the technology director and media specialist will: <br />-decide on a platform to be used <br />-decide on software <br />-decide on technology available for each classroom <br />-decide on a video system to be used <br />-decide how students will store data <br />-collect information about computers in homes and study the feasibility of partnerships <br />to provide computers for families who do not have computers in their homes <br />-decide on staff development for teachers, teacher assistants, and parents <br />-develop a technology plan which includes how to upgrade equipment over time <br />Exceptional Education <br />The school will practice responsible inclusion with its exceptional education students. <br />Responsible inclusion requires staffing of resource teachers and inclusion facilitators so that <br />students can be educated effectively in the least restrictive environment. The staff, in conjunction <br />with Margaret Blackwell, will: <br />-create a common definition of responsible inclusion <br />•delineate roles and responsibilities for special educators and assistants, and regular <br />educators and assistants (collaboration, staff development, etc.) in relationship to <br />exceptional 'education <br />The school will have at least one self- contained, district wide class for students with <br />moderate disabilities. The Pre -K class will be a blended program serving tuition- paying, Head <br />Start, and disabled four year olds. Some disabled three year olds may be served <br />Gifted Education Services <br />Following the Board's plan for identifying gifted students with flexible, inclusive methods <br />that will serve more students than the state process has allowed, a gifted education program will be <br />developed by the curriculum subcommittee. As with other schools in the district, the plan depends <br />on the expertise of the classroom teacher as instruction is developed for a wide range of students. <br />Teachers will differentiate instruction and accommodate different learning styles. Grouping <br />4 <br />