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Lincoln Center personnel directly involved with that area: Human Resources - Hazel Gibbs; <br />Finance - Grace Holton; Technology - Lisa Bartles and Doug Noell; Transportation - Marylin <br />Truelove; Before /After School Programs - Mary Roberts and the After- School Directors; Preschool <br />- Patsy Byrd; AG/Enrichment - Sandra Page; and Reading/Language Arts - Mary Clayton. <br />Three focus group sessions were held on components of the model for teachers, other <br />school personnel, and parents. Topics included an Open Forum on the Model, Differentiated <br />Staffing and School Governance, and Extended School Day and Before/After School Programs. <br />Information provided from these focus groups provided a sample response to the model from <br />teachers and parents and gave information for the subcommittees to use in their planning. For <br />individual teacher and parent sessions, there was an average of 6 teachers and 10 parents.. <br />Additional information about the model was gained through a phone survey designed to <br />solicit 600 responses from parents both within Southern Village and as well as outside the <br />Southern Village community. The report from the company that conducted the survey, FGI, and <br />the budget for the new school are included in the Appendix. <br />Full development of all components of the model is provided in this report by outlining the <br />work of the planning team and its subcommittees. This elaboration will give teachers and parents a <br />clearer view of the model, assist teachers in their decisions about being a member of the staff, and <br />parents in their decisions related to sending their students to our school. <br />This model is significantly different in several aspects from the way our present schools <br />operate. Areas of distinction include: <br />-the use of resources and staff <br />-the organization of classes and class size <br />the governance of the school <br />-the use of a consistent curriculum, delivery, assessment, standards and methods of <br />reporting <br />the vision of technology penetrating the home environment <br />the use of time during the school day <br />the before and after - school programs <br />During the Edison/Model School process, skepticism was expressed about developing a <br />district model rather than going with Edison, because it was not clear that the district would devote <br />the necessary resources to quality implementation. While the district will not be able to offer all the <br />resources that Edison can, we have several essential components in place. <br />With the approval of the 1998 -1999 school budget, the entire request for the planning year <br />for the new elementary school at Southern Village was funded. The funds for the planning year <br />are significant. Start up funds for staffing (principal, assistant principal, technology director, <br />media specialist) total $170,900. The planning year provides for the employment of the principal <br />for 12 months, assistant principal for 11 months and both the technology director and media <br />specialist for 6 months. Having these individuals on staff for this amount of time before the <br />opening of school will ensure responsible planning with individuals being compensated at their <br />certificate rate. The opportunity for this beginning core of staff to develop relationships with each <br />other through the planning process and daily interaction is invaluable. Additionally, $95,000 is <br />allocated for planning year stipends, secretarial assistance, supplies, and staff development. <br />Extensive staff development is planned for teachers, teacher assistants and, as needed, parents. <br />The internal support for preparing the refinement of this model has been exceptional. <br />Weekly meetings are held with Cabinet to discuss a myriad of issues related to opening the new <br />school. Each member of the Cabinet has met with me frequently to refine plans for areas they <br />