Agenda - 11-17-1998 - 10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-17-1998
Agenda - 11-17-1998 - 10a
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Last modified
8/13/2015 4:30:39 PM
Creation date
6/25/2010 12:55:28 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19981117
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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I- namaook"M... <br />TrrLR: DCAW icATTON OF GROUND -WATEt AvARABRITY <br />AND QUALITY IK ORANGE COUNTY. N.0 <br />D!i1R�TIlOIV: <br />Studies of amp Comsft pound�wow mom= am mww to a moms a ovs6cm <br />ddiamq in udzmstim rebored to the reaomce. The Cmmg► I ME as" tD MOODY imbrnm m <br />@bmdwqmW.9nft=dlocw=o(Vvmd.w,wm mNcmlpmndvdbyftnsufiwtD <br />develop a doubme which w M be odUnd to evaioate pound -wata[ qudky ad qumW ad <br />Potsatial t'r tr 60 naootm ibis'sf mmdm m tmm. wnl enable the Couoty to d <br />Policies to Pevoeet and mount do sotmx of water which ceamotiY SUPPUM app vximately 40 <br />i I r I" of the Comws population. 'This iafoemstim win become even mmr m the <br />cotmtl/s torsi popW&*a issaea m sad w hee-wow tosoumcs an: filly Wimatied. <br />A pilot study wm coodwood by the US. Oeoloaicd So my (USCM dorbg 1993 -1996. The <br />FW $Cady. "Gmo t f -wager Redwp w dw RmgWgbi-IR - 'cdCqVtllWwRodAqoiJw <br />Syaam. OraW Cmaty. N.C.," dd mwwd mcbwp rdw Al twelve d Wup basins ad <br />wbbmim of the Coaaty (fig. 1). 'The PtoPm c a'IoveRiption of (bound Wuw AvaiLbility and <br />Quality" win bead ass mkgmobm psavided by the 1995 -1996 USCS stuck►. <br />>7w as Rt000dAwater avuldAlitY, usc, sad weer gnaaty that is to be pfd in the <br />P mPcwd study► wM AVPIOMM the uhrn stun Peovlded by td USM mchase study►, eeabii g <br />the County m loam mote shoat dw asst's wayrio j capacity at "ths aavatot of Stvu W wa . do <br />cam be mm mad ftm the StowAAv +et system waboat mcbmrp or ducting boW <br />tam aloaW" The study wall dw WWA'fY Po==sy" Aw -goa* pubbms. both aatnrai sad <br />aatheopa@mie. that map sea" I ad'IirA ion of pond waxer line potable wppiicL <br />PAO®TBM: <br />Wow Ma lm f0c mal Pmkk da JR OMP County, hie moa eo mbm m Naata Cwalm& are <br />pw'vbded Ply by tvd4. There ho moeatly bees pobbc wooers about 000ama led pound <br />water ad avatlbiHty of water sMb" is OMP Cooaty. AWwv$b then have be= a few <br />stndias that bava iorsgwmd pound water is Otanse County wa the IM 50 yeah. these studies <br />am In most eases, ng mal stodies do mch de Orange Catmty as part of large, mnhi�,, my <br />study areas and study nsdb dead to be p oeW is nmmw— Denlopmeat io nod arcs of the <br />Couauy WM tcquhe naBabie watsz mggkm and, a p bw far this dcvaiapmeat, wenparheosiv�e, <br />detailed smiles of Vum&wmw mworc s is the County atz owdm & Tn addition. $bete cssereatlp <br />is no bweiioe pound- watergtdity dabs base din as be need to aliWar evalaate pvond-wam <br />quit. Thos. otiliaadm dpound -stet to moat expected fimme mm ms m demand for water <br />mpplies will tegWn berme Knowledge of (1) pomd -wssa avaUM*ity. sound (2) pmmi. wager <br />q=ky- <br />
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