Orange County NC Website
The cost for this contract shall be $12,000 for one room or $22,000 for two rooms. Funds are <br />available in the Commissioners' contingency account. The estimated cost of equipment (cameras, <br />etc.) necessary for telecasting will become clearer after the consultants work has been completed. <br />There are two options for financing the purchase of equipment. <br />1. Time Warner Cable can be required to provide capital equipment for telecasting <br />Commissioners Meetings if the County has areport/plan identifying the equipment and <br />technical specifications for telecasting. Time Warner can use the following methods <br />of payments: <br />(a) purchase the equipment with no cost to the County; <br />(b) purchase the equipment and pay a portion of the total cost, and chazge the cable <br />subscribers in the unincorporated azeas of the County a monthly repayment fee <br />over a period of one yeaz or several yeazs; or <br />(c) purchase the equipment then chazge the cable subscribers a monthly repayment fee <br />over a period of one year or several yeazs for the total cost. <br />2. The County provides the equipment for telecasting Commissioners' Meetings. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Boazd awazd a contract to MHT of <br />North Carolina, Inc. for consulting work in the development of telecasting capabilities in two <br />County facilities for a sum not to exceed $22,000; and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the <br />Boazd. <br />