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~, <br />4 <br />H. The Board re-emphasized that solid waste collection/transportation decisions would remain the prerogative of each <br />local government entity. <br />I. It is important that UNC-CH representatives sit at the table, even if the University chooses not to commit to <br />participation in the solid waste management system. <br />IV. Facilities, Services. & Programs <br />A. With regard to principle #2 (Section I-B), sixty acres of the Greene Tract should be set aside for use by the County in <br />future solid waste management activities, with the balance of the Greene Tract to remain under the ownership of the <br />current owners, who shall determine its future use. If this course of action is followed, the Town of Chapel Hill is <br />expected to rezone the property for appropriate solid waste uses. If the Towns disagree with this approach, they <br />should offer counterproposals that are reasonable and cost effective. Failing agreement within 12 months, the Greene <br />Tract would become a landfill asset with the lead entity making siting decisions and assuming control of the property <br />as a landfill asset. <br />B. Local governments shall continue to work, through the LOG, to site a transfer station and work to develop options for <br />materials recovery and construction & demolition disposal. The Board acknowledged the need for siting decisions, <br />but believes that those decisions should be considered comprehensively rather than piecemeal. Review of options <br />should include the pros and cons of co-locating major solid waste facilities; and review of information to be gathered <br />by County and LOG staffs regarding model solid waste facilities from across the nation that are viewed positively in <br />their communities. <br />C. The Board formally indicated its intent not to seek a new MSW landfill in Orange County. <br />D. The Board affirmed its intent not to use eminent domain to acquire an MSW landfill site, but acknowledged that <br />decision is not binding upon future Boards of Commissioners. The Board also indicated a willingness to consider the <br />use of eminent domain as a last resort, with regard to other types of solid waste facilities. <br />V. Financin8 <br />A. As part of the financing mechanism, all boards endorse implementation of a "Chapel Hill-Canboro-Hillsborough- <br />Orange County Solid Waste Availability Fee" for all county residents. <br />B. Solid waste operations shall continue to operate as an enterprise fund after the County assumes responsibility. The <br />County shall have the option of implementing other fees, and shall not be required to use general funds for solid <br />waste management activities. <br />C. Any interlocal agreement must allow the lead entity unilaterally to raise fees by up to 10% annually (this provision is <br />in the most recent version of the draft interlocal agreement). <br />D. The Board endorsed a conceptual revenue structure that: <br />1. finances core operations (MRF, MSW and C&D Landfills) through tipping fees <br />2. finances collection/transportation activities through property taxes and collection charges <br />3. .finances reduction recycling through tipping fees to the extent practical, with the balance from availability fees <br />E. The Board indicated its willingness to consider pay-per-throw as a revenue and waste reduction tool. <br />F. It is important that an indirect cost study be accomplished, if the County assumes the lead role, so that administrative <br />cost allocations for required County support (personnel, finance, purchasing, budget, attorney, etc) can be accurately <br />determined. <br />