Orange County NC Website
4 <br />5. We continue to believe that a locally owned or controlled MS W disposal facility is still <br />desirable, given the potential future financial and public health risk of depending on distant <br />facilities and commercial vendors. The Council position of July 2 remains the same, i_e., <br />"Acknowledge at this time that them will be no starch for a future landfill site recognizing that <br />this will not be binding on any future governments." <br />6. We believe that eminent domain should be used if necessary to obtain land needed for the <br />community's solid waste management facilities. <br />Financing <br />12 <br />1. T'hc Council recognizes that all boazds will need to endorse a revenue, generating instrument to <br />supplement tipping fees. As previously stated, before endorsing any funding mechanism we <br />want tv have the benefit of the report from the LOG Finance Committee. We rcma4n <br />_ committed to a funding mechanism that supports waste reduction and is' equitable for all <br />generators of waste. If a countywide fcc is implcrriented, the Council does not support <br />including the names of the municipalities is identifying the frt. The citizens of the <br />municipalities arc residents of Orange County. <br />2. We supportpay-as-you-throw as a- meaas..of regulation resulting in significant waste reduction, <br />as contained is the County-wide solid waste management plan. .Pay-as-you throw as a <br />financing .mechanism may be .most suitable for financing waste collection and .disposal <br />services. We also' believe that the financing of collection and disposal costs should be lc$ up to <br />each jurisdiction. - <br />3. We recommend that the County. begin using the c2dstiag administrative ovcrhea,d foimula and, <br />once they gain experience, conduct an analysis of their real costs and make adjustmerns as <br />neccssazy. - _ <br />Process <br />1. We reconuncad that the Carrbom Board of Aldermen, the Chapel Hill Town Council, and the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners conclude remaining issues concerning govcming with <br />the establishment of a conference committee made up of 2 representative of each jurisdiction. <br />Such a committee would try to resolve a1Z differences, identify any areas of disagreement <br />remaining and revise the draft Interlocal Agreement. <br />This the 12'~ day of October, 1998. <br />