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3 <br />11 <br />3- We believe it would be necessary for the Chapel I-lill Town Council to formally adopt the <br />budget; however, the budget could be developed by the County Manager and reviewed and <br />approved by the County Commissioners before action by the Town Council; <br />4. We agree that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, the Chapel FiiIl Town Council, and the Orange <br />County Boazd of Commissioners must sign tEie Intedocal Agreement in order to execute the <br />transfer of ownership and responsibility. <br />5- We agree on the nerd for a local commitment to efficient, res nsible and <br />waste management activities. The Intcrlocal A meat would PrnSressive solid <br />~ Provide the lcga.l basis for the <br />commitment ofihe partners to the system. <br />6. The Landfill Qyvncrs' Group is an advisory body to the three member ov <br />not direct solid waste maaa ement o 8 ~~ aad does <br />B perarions. The Towa of Chapel Hill is currently <br />responsible for administration of the Landfill: Fund and the Solid Waste Manag <br />Dcpartaieat. We would a emrnt <br />xpect this situation to contiaue uatiI the revised Interlocal Agreement. <br />is exccute~ and implemented. The Council recognizes the LOG's set and o - <br />own rules as established in January of 1997. Thcsc rules included decision b P~ ~ l~ <br />Tize Council supports this LOG decision. y majority rule. <br />7. Members of the new Solid Waste. Advisory, Commission should be appointed according. to . <br />Article VI 6.03 of the latest draft of the Interlocsl AgreGraent ~ - <br />. - 8- `-~~derstarid• that solid waste collection decisions should be the -. nsioili . <br />.jurisdiction, as contained is Article V of the latest dra$ of the Interlocal Agreement, t7' of ~~.~~ -- <br />9. We believe it would be useful for the Unive~ity to motiitorlparticipate in aII proceedings and <br />that-we should eneotuage their participation. ~ Our understaciding is that the law does not allow <br />the University to be a signatory to ati Intctlocal Agreement. <br />Facilities Services - <br />L We reiterate the Couacil resolution of July .2,. 1998 stating:. "Rxogniac the -need to begin <br />discussions oa whether tQ keep the Greene Tract as publicly owned load, and if so, what if aay - <br />uses would be suitable. Recognize that a derision about the Greene Tract should riot delay the <br />transfer of governance." The Council opposes the use of the. Grecae Tract for a construction <br />and demolition waste facility and requests t}sat the Commissioners specify what solid waste <br />management activities it coritemplatcs on the Greene Tract as well as where on the_Greenc <br />Tract <br />2., 3., 4. The council continues to support the July 2 resolution that siting a MRF and C & D waste <br />facility have priority anti favor these decisions bring .made by fall of 1998.. The Council further <br />supports working with the MRF consultant to help is identifying criteria for selecting a site, using <br />already identified sites as candidates. The Council supports identifying possible ,locations for a <br />transfer station during the process of siting a MRF. . <br />