Orange County NC Website
9 <br />The storage of junked or wrecked motor vehicles is specifically <br />prohibited ire all residential districts. This section does not apply <br />to any motor vehicle in an enclosed building which building <br />conforms to applicable building code and zoning regulations or <br />which building lawfully exists as anon-conforming use under <br />applicable building code and zoning regulations. <br />Junked or Wrecked Motor Vehicles are defined in the Zoning <br />Ordinance as: <br />Motor vehicles which do not display a current license plate or a <br />current registration sticker and which do not display a current <br />inspection sticker issued by or in the same state as the license plate <br />or registration sticker and which either: (a) are partially <br />dismantled or wrecked, or (b) cannot be self-propelled or moved in <br />the manner in which originally intended to move. <br />Many promises to correct the violations have been received from Ms. <br />Pratt, and several extensions have been given over the years. Most <br />recent site inspections reveal no action being taken to bring the property <br />into compliance. <br />If assessments were made at $100 per day (the maximum allowed by the <br />Zoning Ordinance), civil penalties on November 6, 1998, would amount <br />to over $22,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Board of County <br />Commissioners consider assessing civil penalties in amount of $2,000. <br />