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<br />].t to work with. The applicant has worked with Chapel Hi11 and Orange <br />County Planning Staffs and feels re has a good, low density development for <br />the area. <br />He continued, noting the reallocation of densities (1.35 in Orange County <br />jurisdiction and .77 in Chapel Hill jurisdiction). <br />Cochran commented on the sight distance at the eritrancev~ay which was <br />referred to earlier by the staff. ~"he sight distance requirement has been <br />met and will be r_oted on. the plat. E'loor area ratios. will be in ccttnpliance <br />with the Planned Pevelop~~nt section of Orar~e County Ordinance. Tn reference <br />to the Resource Conservation District, the apg~licar!t is prepared to lose a lot <br />if necessary to come into ccanpliance. He noted that the question regarding <br />buffers seemea to be an important one. xhe project is buffered fr~n all <br />streets. honors the I~P1C recuiren'ent and is c~~pa-tide the existing land <br />use in the area. All lots have large rear yards which also act as buffers. <br />re addressed the question of increased traffic generation at the intersection <br />of 15-501 and Ei~ain Road. Fie noted that the studies made indicated the <br />increase would only be about 1/2~. He then addressed the question of pump <br />stations. He noted the reliability of pump stations because they were <br />r~nitored at all times. <br />David Godschalk, Chapel Hill Town Council, remarked on the shape of the <br />s:.i~e and incuired i.f the applicant had any interest in the adjoining property <br />ax if he knew what might be going to take place an these adjoining <br />properties. Cochran responded that this property is under one ownership. The <br />property inside the "L" is awned by a local family and is held in trtast by <br />PTC[~ Trust Department. The area to the north has already been subdivided into <br />several parcels and the parcel on the corner has been purchased for a church <br />site. <br />Gcdschalk asked about the aFg~licant's n~rke4 study for executive housing <br />and the 1ir.~itations such a study identified regarding the power line runnirx3 <br />throuch the property and the property's location adjacent to the interstate. <br />Cochran responded he had marketed other properties with similar cons]i.tions and <br />recognized that those which were are the least desirable would most ]-ikely <br />have to be discounted for sale. <br />Godschalk asked haw stror~ly the applicant was cccnmitted to this site <br />plan. He fe7.t it was obvious tre~re were same areas that could be redesigned <br />to perhaps enhance the buffer area or make the recreation area n~re desirable. <br />He asked if same of these alternatic-es had been explored or is the apl>J..a.cant <br />willing to explore soxae of these alternatives. Cochran respor~ea that the <br />project had been redesigned for Orange County, for Chapel Hill ark for DOT. <br />The applicant-agree: to meet the open space requirement and will be lookir~ at <br />the area arounr.txe stream possibly to provide this space. <br />Cormissioner Carey inquired what was being proposed ir_ the way of a <br />buffer around the perimeter other than the area that abuts the interstate. <br />Cochran responded he had pat been tall of additional buffer reciuirements by <br />either staff. TN~o of these lots abut each other to the rear and this provides <br />additiona3. buffer. Hopefully, if the adjoining land is rezoned and is <br />incoanoatible with this development, this existing neigr~arhood would be <br />protected. <br />Commissioner 1~~rshall noted tha.s seen~d to be a very curious <br />intexpretati.on of the regulations. The buffer a.s recuired to protect the <br />aua].ity of development ark she felt waivir~ the buffer requirement would be a <br />serious comprc~use to the general plan for trfe iha•]. development of the <br />~e <br />