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aoo~2s <br />will this be discussed. <br />Gledhill answered that the applicant will have the opportunity to make a <br />presentation on that item. But as he understood it, the 100' buffer for the <br />planned development applies to the perimeter of the overall project. fie <br />added the Boards car, negotiate or waive it as long as the substitute buffer, <br />in the opinion of the Boards, is equivalent to that provided by the 100' <br />specified. <br />Commissioner Walker westioned i£ the 100' 1~T.~C buffer applied in Chapel <br />Hill's jurisdiction? <br />Geoffrey Gledhill responded the County does not have zoning <br />jurisdiction in Chapel Bill's planning jurisdiction. Geoffrey Gledhill <br />continued that regulations of the county, including the 1G0' buffer <br />recuirement, do not apply anywhere in Chapel I3i11's jurisdiction. <br />Mayor Massif clarifies for Mr. Walker that even if the Tawas required the <br />P"IC buffer, there were rro undeveloped areas in t.`ze Town's jurisdiction along <br />the interstate to which it would apply. <br />Walker noted as Chapel Hi.11 annexes it may get into that area. Massif <br />said until we annex, it would be in the 3oint Planning Area ark right now we <br />are using your requirements for joint planning. He expressed concern that he <br />dial not knave when requirements are waived and when they are not and when the <br />issue should be considered. Geoffrey Gledhill reminded the Boards that the <br />burden is on the applicant to prove he meets the requirements of the <br />Ordinance. <br />Roger Waldon continued his presentation and reviewed again the open <br />space requirements, traffic patterns, additional rights-of~way and drainage <br />easements. <br />Waldon continued that to satisfy the Town's open space requirement far <br />the subdivision the applicant would have to provide additional open space or a. <br />payment ir_ lieu of the requirEd open space. <br />David Taylor addressed the following primary concerns: traffic impact, <br />drainage and resource conservation district and the sewer service to the area. <br />fie said that his staff recvmnerx3s to the Council approval of the preliminary <br />plat with the stipulations as specified. <br />HLs. I{awalec cuestioned the necessity, reliability and maintenance of <br />pump stations. <br />[Taldan noted it v~ould be impossible to provide service to this subdiv- <br />ision without a pump station. <br />R. D. Bxnith questioned the location of the perennial stream and <br />compliance with the Town's star~iards. Roger Waldon answered that it vrus not <br />a perennial stream. <br />R. D. B;nith questioned i.f the applicant has been asked to show if this <br />was subject to the Resource Conservation District and if he was to redesign <br />his plan accordingly. <br />Discussion on perennal streams followed. <br />A council member asked why it is so difficult to determine what i.s a <br />perennial stream. Waldon responded that maps available are old and that on- <br />site ueterminations have to be made. <br />P,palicant presentation by Ralph Cochran of Allenton Realty. <br />fKr. Cochran stated that this subdivision would provide for single family <br />dwellings with all lot sizes being 1/2 acre or larger. Tt i.s well located to <br />tY:e T-40 interchange and 15-501 Boulevard, making for good accessibility. He <br />continued that this project is cc~rpatible with the lew density residential <br />uses already in the area. The property is "I," shape which makes it more <br />