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ooo~ti7 <br />Collins sur¢narized the position of the Orange County staff in that the <br />applicant complies with the general standards and regulations with the <br />exception of the three negative fi.rulings. He continued that staff received no <br />i-ndication that this develoianerit would be hazardous to the general health, <br />safety and welfare. Orange County staff recommends approval subject to the <br />conditions of approval included in the agenda packet. <br />Ms. iiawalec i.r~icated her concern about the power line that cuts through <br />the site adding she did not suite know how to approach it using Orange <br />County's system. 'lt appeared to her that it is going to desecrate the <br />recreation area. She asked if staff had considered that and what their <br />thought on this subject was? <br />Collins responded the developer i_n this case really had an option: he <br />could either design his lots in such a manner that they would back up to the <br />easement or he could provide some type of apen recreational space adjacent to <br />that power line, using that as a buffer ar screen to keep residential 'units <br />away from the ea~er,~er_t itself. The fact that he has kept his facilities on <br />either side addresses the latter. We do not anticipate any ~.rticular problem <br />under the power line. <br />.. Ms. Ingram incuired about lots 62 and 63, in particular, and then 28, 29 <br />and 37. She noted these lots are going to have a view of a vast expanse of <br />vacant land with power lines. <br />Collins addressed each lot sepazately as to suggestions for best <br />passible in~rovement. <br />Commissioner Marshall asked if the acreage of the recreation_ space <br />includes the land in the entire easement? <br />Collins responded yes. <br />Yuhasz stated that lots 62 arr] 63 would nat be counted as recreation <br />space. <br />Commissioner Marshall said not much could be done about the power line <br />easement, but that the 100' buffer and trees would help the view to those <br />lots. <br />Discussion continued on recreation acreage. <br />A council member questioned the requirements if a property owner wanted <br />to build a storage building on a lat. Collins responded a 15' setback would <br />be required. <br />Presentation of Chapel I3i11 Town Manager's Report <br />Dave Taylor, Town Imager, reruested that pages 110-145 of the agenda <br />packet be entered as evidence to the public hearing. <br />Chair ir~icated that entire packet is documented as part of the public <br />hearing. <br />Taylor turned the presentation over to his staff. <br />Roger Walden, Chapel Hill Planning Director, discussed the difference <br />between buffers and setbacks and between gravity sewers and pump stations. <br />Planning Board Cha:~r Dr. r~lice Gordon asked if the Chapel Pi11 staff <br />concurred that tYle sE~tbacks arai buffers as stated would be sufficient. Waldon <br />responded affirmatively that there is sufficient roam to satisfy Town <br />standards. Gordon inr~uired if there i.s a perimeter buffer requirement. <br />Waldon responded that a landscaping p:can which would coanply wits Town <br />standards would be sul=anitteci axxz approved. He noted there was no cc~aarable <br />Z~own standard to the 1~PPC buffer requirement. fie further noted there was na <br />buffer requirement around the perimeter for the proposed subdivision where it <br />adjoins vacant land. <br />