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000~2G <br />Massif questioned how a deter~r~ination would be reached as far as which <br />property is going to be the highest density -what if the next proposal comes <br />in with acre lots? Would that one have to give up the 100'? <br />Collins answered no. L~evelofar~ent of or_e acre lots would be at R-1 <br />density and would not have to provide the buffer. <br />Iyassif asked who would have to provide the buffer, and whether it was a <br />floating requirement of the County. <br />Collins explained the requirements of the County subdivision regulations <br />noting that if the property adjacent to this was subdivided under the currer_t <br />zoning buffer requiranents could be imposed if needed. <br />Alice Ingram questioned if what the applicant proposes would meet Chapel <br />Hill's standards? Ts the applicant asking for a total waiver? <br />Collins responded that the applicant has asked for a waiver of the 100' <br />buffer in our jurisdiction, <br />Chapel Hill's 30-50' buffer is adjacent to Stuvrise and Weaver Dairy <br />Roads aril operates as well along the perimeter in the Town's jurisdiction. <br />Dis. Kawalec stated her concern about the lots along T-g0. Does each of <br />those lots contain 20,000 square feet in addition to the 100' buffer or is the <br />100' buffer included in t~`ie 20,000 square feet m;n;minn of the lots? <br />Collins answered that the Major Transportation Corridor (MTC) buffer is <br />ir~luded in each lot size. The lot sizes adjacent to T--40 vary fr~n 112 acre <br />to a7.mast an acre in size including the 100' buffer and the setbacks fro¢n the <br />proposed streets. <br />Nassi.f questioned, with the area that is left given the setback <br />requirement, will houses placid on those lots be closer to the street than on <br />the other lots. <br />Collins responded that if everybody wanted to build on the setback line <br />along this particular road they would all be the same. There is more <br />flexi}aility in the northern part of the subdivision to shift the houses on the <br />lots. Sates Farts of the subdivision are more limited than others, but there <br />can still be some variation in the setbacks. <br />Collins referred to the recam~ended conditions of approval included in <br />the agenda packet, specifically conditions 7 and 8. <br />He added that condition 10 should be expazxled to include an additional <br />sentence that all roads be built to Town. standards. Sweeten Creels Road would <br />be Class A in accordance with Chapel Hill statx7ards. All the stub-outs <br />presently shown on the site plan, plus one additional stub-out, would be <br />constructed to Class B standards and all the cul-de-sacs presently shown on <br />the site plan would be constructed to Class C standards. <br />Regarding condition 14, the Chapel Hill staff pointed out that the <br />recreation area situated south of 5~veeten Creek Road as shown on the site plan <br />i.s a little over two acres in size. Allying the Orange County recreation <br />space ratio and Chap21 Hill requirement, a to`~al of 3.2 acres are required <br />for the entire project. What has been shown i.s less than that amount. The <br />Town of Chapel Hill recc~nends that additional recreation space be provided on <br />the site plan so that the total recreation area is 3.2 acres for Chapel Hi11 <br />and Orange County cagnbined. As for the County's requirement, the developers <br />have satisfied the requirements; :.f i:)aey wish. to provide additional recreation <br />space they could do so within the Chapel ?ill jurisdictior~a7. area. <br />Collins noted condition number 24 relates to Chapel Flill's <br />jurisdiction.. <br />;. P~assif raised ataestions about the pond design asking if there were lots <br />r.rrwv~car~ r7r~e,mctrean~ {rron ~I-Yw rrlnr~- <br />