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ooo~.ti~ <br />The following were sworn in for testimony: Flarvin Collins, Susan Smith, <br />David Taylor, Roger Walden, Rang Smith, Alice Ingram, Ralph Cochran, and <br />Fritz Brunson. <br />Presentation was made by Planning Director Marvin Collins. The <br />applicant, A7.lenton Realty, has requested a Planned Development Housing CPD-H) <br />and Residential-2 (R-2) rezonir~ designation for 80.2 acres out of a 99.44 <br />acre tract located contiguous to the Town of Chapel Hi11's northeast corporate <br />boundaries and situated between Sunrise Road (SR 1732), T-40 and Weaver Dairy <br />Road (SR 1733). The purpose of the request is to allow development of a <br />planned single-family residential comanunity coanposed of 108 lots. The 19.2 <br />acres located in the Town of Chapel Hill's jurisdiction is zoned R-2 ar~i the <br />applicant is presently pursuing subdivision approval for this parcel far an <br />additional 26 Lots. <br />The property is known as Lot 17 of Map 17 and Lots 7 and 11 on Tax Map <br />25 in Chapel Hill Township. The properties located within an area designated <br />Ten Year Transition in the Orange County Iand Use Plan. That designation <br />allows the consideration of application far rezonings to any of the <br />residential zoning districts (R-1 through R-13). The present zoning <br />classification of the property is Residential-1. The requested designation is <br />PD-H R-2, Residential 2. Certain develofanent star~ards must be met ark a <br />Special Use Permit must be obtained by the development to proceed. <br />Approval of the request would allow development of the property for <br />single family residences on lots containing a minimum of 20.000 square feet. <br />Collins referenced Article 8.2.2 and noted that if it is found that the <br />project is in compliance with all recuired regulations and standards, the <br />application must be approved unless it is found that it will not promote the <br />public health, safety and general welfare, will not enhance or maintain the <br />value of contiguous property or is not i.n caag~liance with the general plans <br />for the County. <br />He then referenced the findings of fact and pointed out the areas where <br />Staff found that the applicant is not in compliar~e and those areas where the <br />applicant is retiuesting a modification of tY:e ordinance provisions. <br />The first negative finding relates to access to the site, including <br />sight distances on all roads used for access. Access from Weaver Dairy and <br />Sunrise Roads is shown and visibility triangles are provided on the plan, but <br />sight distances are not indicated on the site plan. This funding could be <br />resolved by simply making sight distance notations on the plat. <br />The next negative fir~i.r~ relates to the requirement for a 100-foot open <br />space to be provided along the perimeter of a F'D-Fi district. The applicant <br />has requested waiver of the 100-foot open space requirement as provided in the <br />narrative. Applicant proposes a 100 foot buffer along the T-40 rightrof way <br />and vegetated buffers of 30' and 5D' in accordance with Chapel Hill buffer <br />requirements on Sunrise and Weaver Dairy Roads respectively. <br />The final negative finding concerns the maximum floor area ratio which <br />is exceeded by 3~. Staff reccarmendation on this is to reduce the average <br />dwelling size to 2475 sq. ft. to bring this project into compliance. <br />Mayor Massif inquired as to how the public hearing was being held if the <br />applicant was not in compliance with the Ordinance. <br />Collins stated that the applicant can request a modification. Such a <br />modification can be made by the Board of Coirnnissioners under section 7.3 of <br />the article dealing with Planned Developaents. In t'~is case, the maximum <br />floor ratio and sight distance requirements could be satisfied either by <br />~++ti+~ ~ nY~~++r+a~ +-n +hc ~, tc n1 an nr nnnrl i t ti nnp a~tarhavi to the ~t7:"trC~ 1 of 'tY:~ <br />