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0003 <br />Council member Sir~ith inquired if the 100' buffer is part of the lor. <br />V?illhoit responder noting can be built i.n this open space area. Collins <br />responded it e~_tereds frcttr: the l.ot lire. <br />Ccsmanissioner PZarshall questioned the safety of the dam located south of <br />the tract. Cochran reslac:~ed that the Sci1 Conservation Service was ;nvclves <br />in i.ts construction. <br />'b~:e Chapel Hill Planning Hoard reccurmerciati.on~ were introduces into the <br />record by Ingram. She indicated that the Planning Board does agree with <br />the t,anager's rece~-endation and their concerns were incorporated ir~tc t~•:e <br />Fiariager's report, but noted that the Board did not know of the probl~ns with <br />the ponds and stzeams and that a cor.~cern regarding utility line voltage was not <br />incorporated in the Niar~ager's report. ~?igh voltage lines may pASe art ac~rez::e <br />impact. S"he continued that the Board raiGe~ questions regarding irZ~•.ct~: c:f <br />stub-outs in the neighbcrhood i.-ttegrity of the develoFanent. <br />No co~m,eaat was received from the F~,earance Commission. <br />Collins introduced the full agenda packet into the record as eviQerce asxi <br />specifically cited the Orange County P,ecreatian Department: rercr,vr~er,aati.on. <br />Council member Smith inquired vrhy only two parkins s~x'rces were provided <br />at the recreaticn area, noted tY:e distance of the facility from some lots, ark <br />requested addit,.ar~.]. s~,cces. Rarx3y Smith. agent for the applicant, commented <br />the facility v,Gr: irterx]ed to be urea by residents of the development only and <br />that the furthest lot w~ L2 mile away. <br />Collins introduced the 3une f, l~'S5 letter frcan Ralph Cochran. <br />No citizen c~anents were received. <br />Mayor Ivassif requested tYaat directian_ be provided tc Tovm staff on the <br />review of proposals and application of standards. E:e ncted tre c:evelopn~ent is <br />likely tc be urban i.n nature and questioned the adequacy of tkae loco]. toad <br />network. I3e continued that the develog,:ent should not be considered a <br />neighborhood un?ess adjacent vacant land was included by nature of the design. <br />F_e innquired how the road network is affected by this developeE=nt, especially <br />improvements to Weaver Aairy Road. He noted it is inctmibent on -the <br />governmental ur~?t:s 'co c=cn~;-c~c-z the ]Deal road network so that deve].oPers of <br />unseveloped land have sane guidar~e on the projected road network. He <br />continued that the survey of the projc~t:tc-ci continuation of Sage Road across <br />Erwin and Weaver Dairy Road should be completed prior tp approval of the <br />project and that the site plan should be revised accordingly. r~frr. i?arssif <br />further ccmanerted on drainage ar¢3 power li.r_e impacts on lot design., maintaining <br />that these easements should not be part of the Lots. He anted that pump <br />stationer may be a legitimate proposal in this case. <br />Planning Board member l~.rgison inquired when ~;~eacer Dairy Road will be <br />improved. N_anager ~`aylor responded it is tc be widened to 5 lanes arxi is a <br />high priority project. <br />Planning Poard member Yuhasz inquired if Chapel Hill has a Roaa~vay <br />Network Plan for undeve]. Ln-~r', ]-ar?d in i.ts jurisairt3ar, in t.lie jcint <br />area or, if r_ot, what ideas stxzti].d be used to us in consideration of how <br />these stub-outs are to be developed. h~ayar Massif responded tkere is no plan in <br />place and that staff shou]_d att~npt to address the road network to serve <br />uridevelrped ].and as 4he developers have no auttwrity over the laru7 in r1uestion_. <br />Pwas,rzing Board Chair Gordon auestior~ the status of the 60' right-cf~ay <br />existing to the Potted P].ar_t G.rK? ~-i-•E: e~c~~.vcr requested on age 44. Collins <br />responded that any further develognent would be required to use tYie stub-out <br />provided from Sweeten CzeeN Road and that the existing right af~way weu].d be <br />rl nfix7. <br />