<br />',.~r,^,.'~~x`'~~ Prepared by: Ronald C. Coulter 9 s8`~- -! ~-5195
<br />Return to: P.O. Box 21150, Canton, Ohio 44108 Jc' , Lll. ,"~ .
<br />State of North Carolina Deed of Trust `"""'"'
<br />BOOK 797 P11:f. 17~ 381-3391775-703
<br />This IaMsttsre, made and ensued into this 13th day of June 1989 ,
<br />by and between Lonaie D. Bell and vile Irene F. Bell
<br />party of the tint part (whether one or more persons), and GIIII.IAM H. JANIF$r JR.
<br />Truueels), parry of the second pan, and CIIYYJD M3R1GAiGE CORPOFATICN
<br />of OHIO ,pang of the third part,
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws
<br />Wltseaseth, that whereas the patty of the Ciro pan is indebted to the parry of the third put in the principal sum of
<br />SIXTY FIVE TIiOpSAEID THRFE H[A~IDRED ffIF"PSf b 00/100---DOl1us(S 65x350.00 ),
<br />u evidenced by a promissory store of even data herewith, the terms of which ue incorporated herein by refueace, with intuar from
<br />date, at the nta of ,~...E,VFS'
<br />pu «nwm ( 11.00 9Y) per annum on the unpaid balance until paw, principal and intuar being payabk at the office of
<br />CIlN00 MJRlCrAGE OORPO1tATICNx P.O. BOX 35338, CANICN, OHIO 44735 , or at such othu place
<br />as the holder may designate is writing, in monthly inualhnenu of SIX HUDIDRED Tf~1FN1'Y TfaO b 34/100
<br />Dollars (S 622.3q )• commencing on the first day of A(XXb'T 1939 ,and on the
<br />tint daY of each month theaftu uatil pnncipd and intuar us fully pab, except Char the final payment of principal and intuar, if
<br />not sooner paid, shall be due and payabk on the tiro day of, ,7[II,Y 20 19 .
<br />Now, Therelon, in consideuioa of the aforesaid ittdebttdnes and the sum of One Dollar (SI) ash in hand paid, the receipt of
<br />which is hereby uknowkdged, the party of the tiro part has bugained, sold, given, tamed and conveyed and does by these preenn
<br />_ bugain, sell, give, grant, aid convey to the patty of the second Dart. his sutxwon and assign, all that certain lot or parcel of lard
<br />~u:uK is the Township o! Eno .County of Durha'
<br />n State of North Carolina, and more panicululy deat7ibed a folbws:
<br />t~ ~; BEGINNING at a stake on the south side of Highway 70A, 1250 stet East frog the
<br />+ ~'I u~ ~~ east side of Lawrence Hoad at the northeast corner of Lot 50, Block B as shown
<br />'~ _ on plat hereinafter referred to, and running thence with said Highway South 70°
<br />W ~ 00' East 100 feet Co the aorthrest corner of Lot 55; thence with said Lot South
<br />CJ -
<br />20° 00' West 400 feet to a stake in the north lima of Tract No. 106; thence with
<br />~ ~ ~ aaid Tract North 70° 00' Wsst 100 fast to a stake, the southeast corner of Lot
<br />v c 50; theaca with aaid Lot North 20° 00' East 400 feet to the beginning and being
<br />,~~ Lots 51, 52, 53 and 54, Block B of Bankhsad Forest, property of W.H. and T.H. Lawrence,
<br />recorded in Plat Book 1, Pages 57. Thi• is the eau property as described in Parcel
<br />2 of Deed Book 88 at ppages 409.
<br />taguhu with all hating, plumbing and ligfuing feature and equipment taw or herafter attached to or used in tbnnsstion with the
<br />said real tout.
<br />To Hars ear to HWr the same, witA all the righu, privikga and sppunenanca thereunto bebnging, to the parry of the second
<br />pan, his suuason and tlasigns, forever. The posy of the tiro pan covenants with the patty of the second part that he is seized of
<br />the premises in fee and has the riglu a convey the same in ter, thu the saws are free and clar of all eneumbranea and thu hs will
<br />warrant and forever defend the praaim utter the posy of the second part from and againu the lawful claims of all puaons
<br />whomsoever.
<br />Ie Trust, Hoverer, For the uses and purpose foWw(ag:
<br />If the patty of the first put shall well and truly perform all the terms and eond'uiom of this Deed of Trttu and of the rate savred
<br />hueby, thm this coaveyattce shall be null and void, and shall be propuly wneekd of retbrd. If, however, shoe shall be a default
<br />undo this Deed of Truu,'or uMu the nose snored hueby, aced if such aggrepte monthly payment is not paid in full prar ro the
<br />due data of the watt such raasthly paymens, rhea all sums owing by the party of the Rnt patt to the party of the third part under
<br />This form la uaad In eonnaetbn wllh loads of rapt InwraO undo tM ona• t0 four-lamely prowsbM Of tM Natbnal NouslnQ Act which
<br />raquin a Orta.Tlma Mottyapa Insurance Premium payment pneltdln6 aaetlons 2021b1 and ID) in aewrdanea wNh tM rpulatbns for
<br />Hasa txaprama.
<br />Previous FAlllons Am OWWaq HUO-f2t6t~M.t 12-p gNtienl
<br />Farm 2601 Aron Ptitla 1 of • 21 CFR 2W.t71a1
<br />T° Nret~ lJa QaA~lAeO alarA! l4aJa. r'C
<br />Nmerr t ••'-'- ----. 4eyxp„ tlODJaa.aaAO
<br />FOR In L OF TH13 DEER 8~
<br />TRUST SEE B00 K `~ ~ ~ PAGE, ~ ~ ~
<br />C~paC~~~d~D
<br />