Orange County NC Website
l!~ <br />The basis for the error is that the land use of the L.J. Rogers <br />Company was inadvertently disregarded in the Analysis and <br />Evaluation of the Carr Rural Community Activity Node in the <br />above quote. <br />1994 Zoning is adopted for Cedar Grove Township. <br />The trucking company's office, located on the .94a± (40,946sf) <br />zoning lot (Tax Map No. 2.17..1), is zoned NC-2 Neighborhood <br />Commercial on January 1, 1994. Frontage on NC 49 is 165'±. <br />The company's physical operations, located on the abutting 3.44a <br />parcel to the northeast (Tax Map No. 2.17..1C), is zoned AR <br />Agricultural-Residential. Structures include a 30' X 50' fleet <br />maintenance shop, a 90' X 100' maintenance shop and storage <br />building, several smaller structures and tanks, open parking for <br />tractors and storage of semi-trailers, and a refueling station. <br />Frontage on NC 49 is 275'±. <br />Existing Land Use Survey in the Carr Rural Community Node <br />A windshield survey of the Carr Rural Community Node was conducted <br />by the Zoning Enforcement Officer on September 22, 1998. The large <br />majority of land is in pasture and crops. Within aone-half radius of the <br />crossroad intersection of NC 49 and Corbett Ridge/Carr Store Roads <br />other uses include: <br />¢ Eight homes with frontages on State maintained roads. <br />~ Three homes with private access to State maintained roads. <br />~ A church on a side road to the north of the intersection. <br />~ An abandoned, deteriorating convenience store with an attached <br />quarter (25C) wand-spray carwash on the eastern quadrant of the <br />intersection. <br />~ The Rogers trucking and fertilizer businesses to the southwest on <br />NC 49. <br />Impervious surface limitation in the Back Creek Protected Watershed for <br />non-residential use is 70 percent. <br />