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6 <br />disbursement of funds the Federal award number CFDA number and <br />amount of ARRA funds. Provide sufficient information that distinguishes <br />the award of ARRA funds from other funds under the existing program. <br />2) FTA 1201 (c) Report. <br />The contractor agrees to provide the FTA report requests in aggregate information for <br />each ARRA program from February 17, 2009 on an annual basis in the format <br />prescribed by NCDOT through the end of the end of the project or reporting period, <br />which ever comes first. <br />a) The Contractor will provide information to NCDOT for the TEAM Financial <br />Status Reports, Milestone Reports Reporting Requirements that will be reported to <br />FTA. <br />b) The Contractor agrees to provide narrative reports for updates under the <br />Federal Financial Report (FFR) formerly the Financial Status Report (FSR) and <br />Milestone Progress reports (MPR) to the Department within five (5) days following <br />the end of the quarter. <br />3) Other Reporting. <br />The contractor and its subcontractors agree to provide monthly financial, job, economic <br />impact and other data as prescribed by the department to report to the Transportation <br />and Infrastructure Committee of the United States Congress, the Inspector General <br />(IG), the Government Accountability Office (GAO), North Carolina Office of State <br />Management and Budget, North Carolina Office of State Management and Budget, the <br />Department, or its agents any and all project documentation, narrative reports and/or <br />additional information on the progress/status and expenditures of the ARRA grant. <br />The reports shall be due within 10 days following the end of the month. <br />Section 6. Designation and Use of Emblems <br />The Contractor agrees to use signs and materials that display both the American Recovery <br />and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) emblem, the Transportation Investment Generating <br />Economic Recovery. (TIGER) and the State Recovery program emblem to identify its <br />Project(s) financed with Recovery Act funds as directed by NCDOT. This provision is to <br />be included in any subagreements, leases, third party contracts, or other similar <br />documents used in connection with its Recovery Act Project(s). <br />Recipients of ARRA grants must display the USDOT Recovery logo and the State <br />Recovery logos that have high-resolution images, which shall be provided to Contractors. <br />Such emblems suitable for reproduction for grantees to download to produce signs or <br />decals to display on FTA funded ARRA projects are available on the NCDOT website. <br />Contractor agrees to prominently display both logos described above on all projects <br />funded by the ARRA. Given the wide variability of transit projects, NCDOT and FTA does <br />not specify a particular size or format of sign, but provides the following guidelines: <br />• Signs should be designed to maximize visibility of the logos and minimize any <br />accompanying text. <br />Minimal text may be included on the sign, for example, "This Project funded by" <br />preceding the logos, or "This Station Improvement..." or "This Bus...," etc. as <br />appropriate, but text is not required. <br />Revised 1/6/10 <br />