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34 <br />(2) Federal/State Government Direction. The Contractor agrees that <br />the Federal or State Government may direct the disposition of, and even require the <br />Contractor to transfer title to any Project property financed with Federal/State assistance <br />under this Agreement. <br />(3) Leasing Project Property to Another Party. <br />(a) General. Prior to entering into any third party contract for <br />leasing Project property to another party, the Contractor agrees to obtain approval from <br />the Department. If the Contractor leases any Project property to another party, the <br />Contractor agrees to retain ownership of the leased Project property, and assure that the <br />lessee will use the Project property appropriately, through a written lease between the <br />Contractor- and lessee. The Contractor agrees to use the standard lease agreement form <br />provided by the Department and to provide a copy of the signed, executed lease <br />agreement to the Department. In accordance with Subsection 2a1 of this Agreement, <br />regardless of assignment of work to be completed under this Project or lease of Project <br />assets to a third party, it is the Contractor's primary responsibility to comply with Federal <br />and State requirements of this Agreement and assure the compliance of any third party <br />contractors. <br />(b) Lease of Vehicles. The lease of vehicles acquired with <br />financial assistance authorized for 49 U.S.C. 5311 to any third party is contingent upon <br />approval of the Department. It is allowable to lease vehicles to another Community <br />Transportation System providing general public service in the State of North Carolina, <br />upon approval of the Department. It is also allowable for vehicles to be leased to a third <br />party operator or transportation management company that operates the transit service <br />within acounty/region under contract to the Contractor, upon approval of the Department. <br />The Contractor agrees to use the vehicle lease agreement provided by the Department <br />when vehicles are leased, even if on a short-term basis, to another Community <br />Transportation System or a management company. The Contractor agrees to obtain <br />written approval from the Department before the lease is executed and forward a copy of <br />the signed, executed lease agreement to the Department. The Contractor, as a <br />Community Transportation System, shall not lease vehicles to human service agencies, <br />county agencies/government, community agencies or school systems. The Contractor <br />agrees not to loan vehicle(s) to other agencies/individuals for short-term use, even during <br />hours that the transportation system is not providing service, as the vehicle(s) will <br />generally be used to provide service that is "closed-door," i.e., not open to the general <br />public. <br />i. Disposition of Project Property. With prior Department approval, the <br />Contractor may sell, transfer, or lease Project property and use the proceeds to reduce the <br />gross project cost of other eligible capital public transportation projects to the extent <br />permitted by 49 U.S.C. § 5334(h)(4). The Contractor also agrees that the Department <br />shall determine "useful life" for all Project property and that the Contractor will use Project <br />property continuously and appropriately throughout the useful life of that property. Upon <br />the end of the period of useful life, the Contractor may dispose of Project property after <br />notifying and receiving disposition instructions from the Department. <br />(1) Project Property Whose Useful Life Has Expired. When the <br />useful life of Project property has expired, the Contractor agrees to comply with the <br />Department's disposition requirements. <br />(2) Project Property Prematurely Withdrawn from Use. For Project <br />property withdrawn from appropriate use before its useful life has expired, the Contractor <br />agrees as follows: <br />(a) Notification Requirement. The Contractor agrees to notify <br />the Department immediately when any Project property is prematurely withdrawn from <br />Revised 1/6/10 <br />