Orange County NC Website
ooo~~~ <br />Chair of the Board of Directors far the Volunteers for <br />Youth, and Harold. g~rsor_, Chief of Judicial Court Council, outlined the <br />programs and requested support of their request. <br />H ~ , Cb.ild Care iv"etworks, reported there are 35 child care <br />centers and 74 homes that say be used for day care. She reiterated the <br />accomplishments and commented about the procedures for obtaining child care <br />services. The same amount of funding was requested as last year plus a request <br />for sa additional person to work with the family day care homes. <br />~ertie Howard, Tzeasurer and Member of the Child Care Networks Board, <br />talked about the funding zesources for the coming year. The funding resources <br />do not include Nortriern Orange. <br />g~~t,_h tdest, Chair of the Orange County Senior Citizens Board, spoke about <br />those items that were requested but not included in the Manager's recommended <br />budget: (1) full-time professional clerk typist. (2) new microcomputer, (3) T-R <br />part-time position increased to fulltime~ (4) part-time bus supervisor, (5) <br />additional space for the Carrboro Senior Citizens Center, and (6) a partition <br />for the Efland Center. <br />members of the Orange County Senior <br />Citizens Board, endorsed the need far those items listed by Ms. West and asked <br />that they be included in the budget. They stressed the importance of getting <br />these items now instead of waiting until later. <br />Gwynn_&as4hax~. Wholistic Health Center. asked for support of their <br />request far funds and reiterated the programs offered $t the Center. She <br />emphasized the importance of their outreach program. <br />R• e_~ rm;rr LirxLe_, spoke in support o£ the program and <br />support services offered by the Coalition for Battered Women. The request <br />increased from $9,000 to 512,000 for this year which represents lOX of their <br />budget. Andg Little talked about the structural changes and stated that the <br />increased request will just take care of the increase in the demand for the <br />services. The Orange County section will break away from the Durham Chapter <br />and become autonomous. <br />Executive Director of the Home Health Agency, sum- <br />marized the work the agency is doing in the County. The demand, in services has <br />increased each year by 60-90%. Much of the increase is due to the increase in <br />health care. The budget request of $15,000 is for the same level of funding as <br />last year. <br />Jeanette 3on~_, spoke in support of the County School budget. She stated <br />the schools need replacements and repairs. <br />and firma Wrigllt_, spoke on behalf of the Orange County Rape <br />Crisis Center. They requested full funding of their request fox $15,000 which <br />represents a 17X increase oven their current County allocation. The increase <br />is due to a need far expansion and an increase in their outreach programs due <br />to the increase in demand for their services. They outlined the growth in the <br />program and the need for increased services. A summary of the personnel and <br />duties was also given. <br />Bill Baxter, Director of OPC-MHC. noted the budget request represents a <br />lOX increase ($30,000) over last year. A 6.5X salary increase is recommended <br />for the employees. The Manager's recommendation of $14,059 does not represent <br />half of the request which may create a concern for enough money to grant <br />employees a 6.5% salary increase. <br />Nancry,Massev, Director of the Hyconeechee Regional Library. and C c• <br />Ski ord. Chair of the Orange County Library Board of Trustees, spal:e in support <br />~f rhe;r rem,ear r'nr 5203.355. The additional reauest of $68,757 would be used <br />