Minutes - 19850529
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19850529
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V'~ ,EilJS <br />He noted that all other items listed were presented in the budget last <br />year but Here cut. The only additional request is for storage space. <br />He summarized the new items in Category 2 and listed the replacement items <br />in category 3. <br />Chair Willhoit asked that at a future budget session a discussion be held <br />to determine the discrepancies in the deficit from last year and whether the <br />oN.y enhancements available are due to reprioritizing items within the budget. <br />He asked that information be provided on the :~-nplications of growth and the <br />method for calculating the increase in the fixed costs. He'asked that further <br />discussion be held on the fund balance and haw the carryover items affect the <br />fund balance. <br />Chair Wi.1.lhoit asked to what extent had the Basic Education Program been <br />considered as a program enhancement and will it suppl~nent any of the local <br />money. <br />Dr. Mayer indicated the Basic Education Program calls for the reduction of <br />class size which is the current class size so it would ultimately free up scone <br />of the money for reduced class size in 7, S, and 9 that local funds are now <br />used for and therefore that local money could be used for other areas of loco]. <br />effort. <br />Gerd' House, Chapel Hill School Administrator, pointed out that the six <br />million mentioned for the Basic k7ducation Program is the figure for the entire <br />project over a number of years and not the amount received for one year. <br />After further discussion by the Board and conm~erits by the School p,~~ <br />istrators, Kenneth Thompson outlined some o~ the issues that may have a bearing <br />on the 1985-86 budget. For 84-85 the School Board requested S1,071,OD0 as an <br />increase. The Board funded the cost of salary increases in the amount of <br />5566,000 which represented 10~ for all employees and aI! additional Q.8$ for <br />certified positions. The per pupil was increased to $653 based on an average <br />daily membership of 4,938. The district tax was increased by one cent and the <br />Hoard requested that Chapel Hill-~Carrboro azapropri«te $106,000 fry fund <br />balance. The current capital for 84-85 totaled 5480,900 plus 580,000 from the <br />sales tax reserve for the science lab. The recoam~xadation far 1985-85 i.s <br />5378,000 plus 1.5 million (both school systems) from the sales tax revenues to <br />fund capital projects to enable Chapel Hill to begin construction of multi- <br />purpose space in 1986-87 at a cost of 5816,000, and cafeteria space for <br />5250,000. <br />After a lengthly discussion it was decided that a decision needs to be <br />made in the near future on how to phase in the long range capital projects and <br />the method for funding. <br />Revenues for the current expense budget were discussed ark the fut~ <br />balance. Harvey Gay indicated tl-,at nothing had been received from back taxes <br />or from fines and forfeitures. Aftez further deliberation it was determined <br />that there is a difference in the amount of revenues that may be received and <br />the amount allocated for personnel. The supplements for all teachers, state <br />and local, are paid from local funds. <br />Dr. Mayer noted that the appropriation last year did not cover the salary <br />reguirlts which included a 14.8 increase £or everyone, and that the deficit <br />must be included in the budget for 1985-86. <br />Chair Willhoit adjourned the special meeting. The next regular meeting <br />will be held on June 4, 1985, 7:30 p.m. in the Superior Courtroom, Hillsborough <br />Nnr"Fh Carnl ina. <br />
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