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Retirement Plan that is the same as the County contribution for non-law <br />enforcement County employees in the State 401 (k) plan. <br />Section IX. Budget Control <br />General Statutes of the State of North Carolina provide for budgetary control measures <br />to exist between a county and public school system. The statute provides: <br />Per General Statute 115C-429: <br />(c) The Board of County Commissioners shall have full authority to call for, and the <br />Board of Education shall have the duty to make available to the Board of County <br />Commissioners, upon request, all books, records, audit reports, and other information <br />bearing on the financial operation of the local school administrative unit. <br />The Board of Commissioners hereby directs the following measures for budget administration <br />and review: <br />That upon adoption, each Board of Education will supply to the .Board of County <br />Commissioners a detailed report of the budget showing all appropriations by function <br />and purpose, specifically to include funding increases and new program funding. The <br />Board of Education will provide to the Board of County Commissioners a copy of the <br />annual audit, monthly financial reports, copies of all budget amendments showing <br />disbursements and use of loca- moneys granted to the Board of Education by the Board <br />of Commissioners. <br />Section X. Internal Service Fund -Dental Insurance Fund <br />:• r <br />The Dental Insurance Fund accounts for the receipt of premium payments from the County for <br />its employees and from the employees for their dependents, and the payment of employee <br />claims and administration expenses. Projected receipts from the County and employees for <br />2010-11 are $387,245 and projected expense for claims and administration for 2010-11 is <br />$406,338. An allocation of $19,093 will be made from reserves in the fund to balance. <br />Section XI. Encumbrances <br />Operating funds encumbered by the County as of June 30, 2010 are hereby reappropriated to <br />this budget. <br />Section XII Capital Projects ~ Grants Fund <br />The County Capital Improvements Fund, Schools Capital Improvements Fund, Community <br />Development Fund and the Grant Projects Fund are hereby authorized. Appropriations made <br />for the specific projects or grants in these funds are hereby appropriated until the project or <br />grant is complete. <br />Any capital project or grant budget previously adopted, the balance of any anticipated, but not <br />yet received, revenues and any unexpended appropriations remaining on June 30, 2010, shall <br />be reauthorized in the 2010/2011 budget. <br />Section XIII. Contractual Obligations <br />