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Q~~ <br />Kenneth Thorr~on ~estioned the 615 versus 620 elevation; Geoff <br />Gledhill indicated that• the origir_a]. plan was for Lake Orange Corporation to <br />maintain ownership from 615 to 620 feet. <br />Mr. Eisenhower, homeowner on Lake Orange, stated that with the <br />flooding of the current easement, another easement would be necessary in order <br />to maintain the 5-feet flood level which would require anew envirornnental <br />impact study. <br />Mr. Tilly indicated that the flood easement states it may be used for <br />temporary flooding only. If the lake was raised and additional easements were <br />necessary to 620 feet, this would destroy the value of the lots and additional <br />problems would be created. <br />Kenneth Thompson pointed out on a map the three (3) properties that <br />would be affected by the raising of the lake. <br />Chair Willhoit stated the project may be more extensive than <br />origina?ly anticipated and perhaps the County should explore the possibility of <br />adding one foot. <br />Cor~nnissioner Marshall stated the people in the area need to be con- <br />tacted and all questions answered. <br />Commissioner Carey questioned the cysts and suggested tabling the <br />item until decisions caald be made on funding sources and the impact on the <br />property is known. <br />There was a consensus to explore the cost for adding one foot which <br />would not require any additional easements and to inquire i~ the 'Ibwn of r3ills- <br />barough plans to fund a feasibility study. <br />Mr. Ti11y noted the group understands that Lake Orange may be raised <br />one foot and are not opposed. <br />L1.. STATE ~TJDII]TNG u~A7ORTF~ FAIRVTFl~7 PARK <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall, to authorize the Chair to request 545,460 of State discretionary <br />funds from the Orange County Legislative Delegation to be used for park <br />development phase T in the Northern Fairview Conu~unity Development Project. <br />VOTE: UNFINTMGi7S. <br />12. LEaGISLATTVE ITEMS (Complete narratives are in the permanent agenda <br />file. ) <br />Kenneth Thompson stated there are two bills cuzrent].y before the <br />legislature which mey be of local interest: <br />1. seeks legislative authority for the orthophoto method to be <br />recognized as a valid survey means to establish the boundary description for <br />the Otange/Chatham county line, and <br />2. proposes to tax the value of property transferred through sale. <br />13. SECTION B SURPLUS FUNaS FOR REHABILITATION <br />Commissioner Marshall asked the Board to consider setting a policy on <br />the use of Section 8 Surpluses, to discuss and consider other actions to be <br />taken or resources to be tapped, and to address min..imum housing rehabilitation <br />far Orange County housing. <br />There was a consensus of the Board to set rehabilitation as the top <br />priority for use of the Section 8 Surplus funds with each project submitted to <br />the Board for approval. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd, to approve the reco*.r~ndation as follows: <br />1. A11 surplus fur~7s from the Section 8 program be used for com- <br />imar_ity rehabi]_itatior. or community development purposes with the <br />