Orange County NC Website
Ubl <br />(a) Organization 1 -system as economical as possible. <br />(5) Finance - Firxlings -optimum size and growth patterns. <br />Commissioner Marshall emphasized the importance of completing the <br />study by December 15. <br />E. REPORT <br />• 1. JAIL INSPECTION REPORT BY TAE DEPART OF HCIl~IAN RESOURCES <br />Sheriff Pendergrass reported the Department of Human Resources <br />inspected the jail and found it in compliance with only two items that need <br />attention. Ae reported that the National Sheriffs Association has been <br />requested to make a study of the jail in an effort to receive accreditation <br />which will enable the County to receive a better insurance rate. <br />9. NIDE MULTIP'IA2P'OSE CENTER-BID AN~.RD FN.2 RE[~TWATIONS <br />Motion was made by Commission Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall, to award the bids to Delta Builders and Acme Plumbing and Heating, to <br />authorize the Chair to sign the contracts between Orange County and the two <br />contractors, and to approve the budget amendment as stated below: <br />c:F:n~~zAr. FiJI~ <br />Appropriation -Transfer to Capital Improvements $ 2,787.00 <br />Projects Fund <br />Source -buildings and Grounds $ 2,787.00 <br />CAPITAL 7MPROVEMEN7.'S PRQ~ECP__ S_ Fib] <br />Appropriation - Northside Bathrooms $ 2,787.00 <br />Source -Transfer from General Fund S 2,787.00 <br />VOTE: UPTAI3II~f~JS. <br />le. Lr~KE ~E - IN:.RE.~s~ ~ b~TE.R src~GE CP.PP.CPlY <br />Kenneth Thomison stated that the F~llsborough lbwn Board recuested <br />the County look at the potential for additional storage at Lake Orange. F!e <br />outlined the water needs stating there is an insufficient supply of water <br />during a drought period. Storage could be increased to 3.1 million gallons a <br />day and still be i.n co~liance with the Dam Safety Act. The County owns the <br />land to the 615 elevation. Lake Orange Corporation owns the land from 615-620. <br />In order to have additional storage the County would need to purchase <br />approximately 51 acres. <br />Commissioner Marshall referred to the "Need Statement" on the agenda <br />abstract. She made reference to the projected usage from the McAdams' report <br />which has not been approved by the Hoard or the Planning Board and has not been <br />accepted as the work has been recognized as faulty in many ways. Rationale on <br />future projects should not include information from either of the two reports. <br />Kenneth Thompson indicated that while the information was derived <br />from the McAdams report, the Division of Water Resources for the County shows <br />F„;7 the Cour!ty is in serious condition with regard tp a shortage of water. <br />Wayne Tilly, representing a group of 26 owners of the Aarold Walker <br />~ property adjoining Lake prangs, indicated that some of the individual deeds <br />state "the owner owns all of his/her lot to 615 contour line adjoir_i_+?g property <br />of Lake Orange"; some of the other deeds state that the owner owns part of lot <br />above 620 contour together with permanent and perpetual right to ingress, <br />digress or regress over, above arad through said lot betC~eeIl 615 and 620 foot <br />contour. Six-hundred twenty is referred to as the T++aY±mm+flood easement con- <br />tour. Ne stated the group was not informed of the County's plan to raise the <br />lake and has no knowledge as to the impact of the damage to their property, use <br />of their property, etc. The group voiced opposition to the project until such <br />tip as their concerns are heard anal answered. <br />