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O ~ U <br />4. DATA PROCESSING SOF"IWARE P,GRE~ (A copy of the agreement is in the <br />permanent agenda file in the office of the Clerk to the Board.) <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, secorded by Conanissioner <br />Marshall, to approve the Software Agreeement to allow other units of government <br />to secure the software written by Orange County but not to give or resell soft- <br />: ware to anyone else. <br />VUl'E: Ui~,NIMOUS. <br />5. II~IERGENCY MM~ICAL SE~EtVZCE C~I'RACT WITH CHATHAM COUD71"Y (Pa copy of the <br />contract is in the permanent agenda file in the office of the Clerk to the <br />Board.) <br />Gabby Baker presented for Board approval a contract with Chatham <br />County which allows Orange County Emergency Medical Services and South Orange <br />Rescue Squad, Inc. to provide emergency medico]. services to that portion of <br />Chatham County residents served by the Southern Bell Telephone Exchange. Pay- <br />ment from Chatham County will be received on a quarterly basis and calculated <br />on the number of calls received during the same quarter of the previous year. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to approve the contract and forward to Chatham County for Hoard consider- <br />ation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />6. ROCE'S -STATUS REPmtT ON THE SCHODInS <br />Kenneth R. Thompson made reference to the Law Engineering roof study <br />and the priority list and indicated the repair program wi1J. take place over a <br />two--year period. A corx7ition of the supplemental appropriations to both school <br />systems in December, 19$~ was that the specifications include certain bidding <br />requirements and general condition clauses to insure quality workmanship and <br />contractor ac~untability. Also, it was understood that the school systems <br />would work toward the development of a consolidated request for proposals in an <br />attempt to receive a lower wst. The Orange County School System has finished <br />its specifications and the Chapel Hill School System will have its <br />specifications finished within the next few days. Both sets of specifications <br />will go out for bid at the same time. <br />Commissioner Lloyd expressed concern for severing the schools' <br />authority stating that unless both school systems agreed on the process he was <br />against requesting and accepting a combined bid on the project. <br />Thompson noted that a separate contract will be awarded for each <br />school system with a definite time schedule for completion of the project and a <br />sign--off before payments are made. <br />Commissioner Marshall noted the responsibility is clearly laid on the <br />Board, through the General Asse~ly, to make funding for the schools available <br />and particularly for func]irg maintenance and capital improvements. This <br />process would see that the roofs are repaired in an economical manner which <br />will not upset the authority of the schools. <br />Commissioner Lloyd read from the County Ggy_e_rnment 4f Noxth Caxolina <br />which stated it is the County CaaWnissioners' responsibility to levy taxes to <br />fund the schools which are under the control of their respective Boards. The <br />School Boards are responsible for directing arr7 supervising the public schools <br />in each unit. <br />Chair Willhoit stated that the Foard, which reviews the school <br />budgets and determines how the money is to be spent, has not indicated that the <br />roof contract will be approved or disapproved. There may be a savings if the <br />projects for both school systems could be bid as one contract. mere will be <br />rl........ I'al L.: a... .. c.... „~..i, .rti..+nl ..e•-am ~rvi nnc mml-.i ncrY hirl GThcn hhw <br />