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D~,~ <br />special use permit in the A R and Tndustrial T, TI, arx7 III distzicts and <br />prohibit these uses in the rer!+~~n~ng Residential arx7 Commercial Districts. <br />Susan Smith stated these uses would be permitted, under the proposal, in the <br />zoned townships in t_he Northern half of ~T~.llsborough, Eno and Cheeks T2Fmship, <br />western half of Bingham Tow!~ship ark ir_ the activity nodes designated for <br />industrial use along 85~heeks Township and the two activity nodes closest to <br />Durham along 85. <br />Wig: J^T~4D)IMOUS. <br />17. ZONING O1~TNANCE Tk:XT AM~MQ~1' ARTICLE 8 - EXZRACTIVE USES (A copy of <br />the approved amendment is in the official Ordinance Eook in the office of the <br />Clerk to the Board.) <br />Susan Smith explained this amerxlmert would expand on the curzent <br />ordinance requiring the applicant to submit mwterials addressing relationships <br />::~th and impacts on adjacent properties and facilities. <br />Phelps again expressed his cor_cern of pollution ar!d lass of the water <br />table and asked if anything could be done to insure against this happening. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill indicated that perhaps a bor~t3 should be required of <br />the quarry. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Comr~zssioner <br />Carey, to approve the recoar~c~endation from the Planning Eoard to amerx3 the <br />Zoning Ordinance as proposed, to revise section to provide fora 250- <br />foot setback arx3 the problem of damage to adjoining property owners ark <br />restitution to same should the property be hard be referred to the Planning <br />Board for a recommendation. <br />VOTE: UiZANTMODS. <br />13 _ pR(k?OSED ZONING ATIAS Atvr~nmrrFnrr FCC ~rz+,Rw.nx~ WAYD]E DDBX (A copy of <br />the approved amendment is in the officia_1 Orai_~nce book in the office of the <br />Clerk to the Board) <br />Marvin Collins presented for consideration a Zoning Atlas Amendment <br />for Cheeks Township for property located in Cheeks Township that was not <br />included in the list of non-residential uses which was submitted to public <br />hearing in November 1983 and approved in October 1984. The property is owned <br />by Clarence Wayne Doby and is used for a greenhouse. The Planning Board <br />reconm~ends approval of the requested existing Commercial V zoning for a portion <br />of the property 200' x 200' as measured from the southwestern corner along the <br />southern and western property lines. <br />Motion was made by Co?!eti_ssioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />T1oyd, to approve the recommendation fXOm the Planning Board except changing <br />the size of the property to 200' x 300'. <br />Commissioner I1oyd pointed out that Mr. Doby plans to put up four <br />greenhouses. The area between the road and the greenhouse (1l0 feet) will be <br />used for His request of going 300 feet deep would prevent Mr. baby <br />from having to return later for rezoning when he does expand. <br />Commissioner Marshall indicated that the existing commercial zor_e is <br />tO recognize that which is there and does not allow for expansion. ~e <br />questioned the process of how the adjustments are made and expressed her <br />concern for equal treatment of everyone. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill stated there is no problem in approving the 200 x <br />300. <br />VOTE: AYE`S, 3; NOES, 2 (Co~nissioners Marshall and Carey) <br />NC1l'E: NORMAN WAIRER I,EE'T THE MEETING AT 10:45. <br />