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~~~ <br />Commissioner Walker views the study as one step towards merger and <br />stated that the people in Northern Orange County see it as a takeover of their <br />schools by the Chapel Hill School Board. Ee voiced opposition to a merger. <br />Commissioner Marshall noted the importance of the study, stating <br />the information will enable the Board of Commissioners to make better funding <br />decisions. Merger would move the two systems toward parity although it may <br />cost more to have a better school system for all the children of Orange County. <br />The information from the study may show that money can be spent in other ways <br />to get other results. <br />Cscar Compton, former School Board member, indicated his interest in <br />the children of Orange County. He opposed the study stating he sees no <br />reason for having a study since the school systems are not interested in having <br />this study. He feels there are differences in the school systems and sees no <br />advantages in getting additional capital funds far Orange County Schools <br />through merger. He noted he has heard nothing from the legislators about <br />merging school systems for several years. <br />Norman Haithcock, Orange County School Eoard Chair, voiced opposition <br />to the study stating the people in Northern Orange County want their own school <br />and the study is a threat of their security. <br />Chair Willhoit emphasized the importance of knowing the implications <br />of merger in case it is forced upon the two systems in the future. <br />Libba Wells, Orange County School District, spoke in support of the <br />merger study stating she wants the best education for her children. She feels <br />the study is working ahead systematically. <br />Brenda Alexander, Orange County School Aistrict, opposed the <br />feasibility study. 'I'he study at this time would be outdated 10 years from now. <br />She questioned the cost of the study and Chant TfTil].hoit indicated a cost would <br />be incurred only if a consultant was hired to do the study. She feels Orange <br />County does not fit the mold and cited Dr. Spencer's comment that "we do not <br />fit the mold". She read comments that were made at the Board of k7ducation <br />Meeting. She expressed concern that the task force wild create an extra <br />workload on the school administrative staff. <br />Commissioner Carey rued that part of fitting the mold for merger has <br />to do with whether or not the Commissioners feel aortifortable in making capital <br />funding expenditures and the Commissioners are faced with various capital <br />requests from both systems. <br />Commissioner Marshall emphasized the effort made by the Board to find <br />funding for the capital improvements needed by both systems. As growth <br />increases the information received from this study will fit in with the kind of <br />land use planning, utility planning and transportation planning needed for the <br />next 20 years. The issue of how merger might or might not fit in with these <br />plans is important. All alternatives need to be reviewed so the schools can <br />get the best for the children out of the money that is available. <br />Commissioner Lloyd noted that if a merger study is done it should be <br />done by the state. Since the County Board voted not to support the feasibility <br />study he questioned the value of doing the study since a study done at this <br />time would be obsolete fn three or four years. <br />Myra Curton, Orange County schools, noted a wncern about the <br />District Tax in Chapel Hill and expressed a concern that an increase in <br />property taxes would be needed in order to equalize salary supplements. She <br />expressed concern about the differences in attitudes with relation to the new <br />school district and new school board. <br />