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05G <br />Tyson L. Coble, Cheeks/Miles area did not understand the choice had <br />been made and could not be reversed. She felt that both areas have definite <br />needs. She requested the Board present the best pJ,an with the best possibility <br />of receiving the money. <br />Chair willhoit explained that several communities were ranked; the <br />first grant was received for Northern Fairview and the second one for <br />Councilville aril Rencher Street will be the third area aril was chosen because <br />of its greater probability of receiving the funds. In answer to Norman <br />Walker's comitlent, Willhoit explained a decision had had to be made about the <br />area before the Public Hearing could be held. <br />Coble expressed concern for fixing up homes which are rentals and <br />McAdoo explained the purpose is to serve the people, not the homes or the <br />lardlord. <br />THERE BEING NO FUR'1~'R CCMMENIS, TfIE HEARING WAS CL0.5ID. <br />P_. BQARD CQ'7MENTS <br />Commissioner Lloyd stated the Flea Market on Buckhorn Road held their <br />grand opening. He summarized the traffic problems created because of only one <br />entrance off of Buckhorn Road where the traffic must ingress and egress. <br />Patrolmen Wade and Moore spoke in support of some corrective action and <br />gave their observations of the situation. ?~'-eY indicated that a second drive <br />and additional parking would help eliminate the problem. <br />Commissioner Marshall noted that this kind of situation,happens when there <br />is a nonoonfozming use and suggested the owner request what needs to be done to <br />become a conforming use. <br />Chair Willhoit referred the problem to the staff for their recor<miendation. <br />B. AUDIr~iVCE COMMENTS <br />1. MATTERS ON T9E PRINK AGEDIDA <br />Membexs of the audience indicated they would like to speak to items 8, 11, <br />16 and 17 on the agenda. Ttrey will be recognizeol at the appropriate time. <br />2. MATTERS NOP ~ ~ PRINI'FI1 AGEI~IDA <br />None. <br />C. MINUTES <br />MARCH 6, 1985 <br />Several corrections were made to the minutes. They will be corrected <br />and submitted for approval on March l9, 1985. <br />MARCH 12 1985 <br />Motion eras made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey, to approve the minutes for March 12, 1985 as corrected. <br />WTE: UNAD72NlOUS. <br />S. 5CHODL MERCER SP[IDY CCr'IlKISS~ON <br />Chair Willhoit explained the proposed three-step process: <br />(1) determine the desire to move ahead with a citizens <br />committee to study school merger, <br />(2) solicit applications from those who would like to serve, <br />and <br />(3) refine the charge. <br />Commissioner Carey stated the school merger issue is being discussed <br />at the state level and will have implications on the future funding of bath <br />school systems. Fie expressed support of the study vommission, noting the study <br />would provide information on the impact that a merger would have on both school <br />systems and the two School Boards. <br />