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o~~ <br />facilities and questioned if additional criteria needs to be established to <br />decide which area to select and desiginate as the project area. He conterr3ed <br />that if the landlord of the rental property upgrades the facilities the rent <br />wi11 ultimately increase. The County does not have a mechanism to stirulate <br />these landlords to install indoor facilities and this CDBG i.s an opportunity, <br />regardless of whom owns the property, to upgrade these facilities. <br />Commissioner Lloyd asked if septic tanks are allowed to be installed as <br />part of the renovation fot the area and McAdoo indicated that septic tanks are <br />installed as necessary i.r- the renovation process. <br />Chair Willhoit noted that one of the reasons Iii.llsborough was unsuccessful <br />in receiving a grant for Rancher street was the percentage of su}~standard homes <br />in their jurisdiction. The ribwn is restricted to count only those homes within <br />its immediate vicinity while the County counts the number of substandard homes <br />in the entire County area. The County has a Hoch better opportunity of <br />receiving a grant for the Rancher Street area. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Marshall <br />t7 accept the staff recndation a.~l select Rancher Street as the target area <br />far the Conm~nity Develo~nt protect. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; ICES, 1(Cas~enissioner Llol~) . <br />AD,70UR' <br />Chair Willhoit adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. The next regular maet- <br />ing swill be held on April 1, 1985 at 7:30 in the Commissioners' room of the <br />Orange County Courthouse it Rills~aorough, ATortY: Carob.^.a. <br />Don Willhoit, Chair <br />Heverly A. Blythe, Clerk <br />