Minutes - 19850319
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19850319
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8/14/2008 12:53:12 PM
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8/13/2008 12:43:42 PM
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04~ <br />I P~-1-s5 aAKraoc~ ~TEs <br />The developer requested a delay until April 16. <br />Chair willhoit noted that the Zoning Ordinance does not address the type <br />of complaints and concerns expressed by citizens at the Public Hearings and <br />asked that the Planning Board review the adequacy of the Zoning Ordinance in <br />dealing with the type of complaints received about mobile home parks and the <br />impact on the neighborhood. <br />Commissioner Lloyd noted that the Zoning Ordinance provides for a <br />~mmittee to periodically review the Zoning Ordinance and make recommendations. <br />F. 11 FQR DECISION <br />1. BQa,RA ~' EQI]ALIZATIdN AI~7 REVIEW <br />Kermit Lloyd requested the Board set a time and place for the first <br />meeting of the 1985 Board of Equalization and Review so that the meeting may be <br />advertised ten days prior to that meeting as required by law. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Lloyd, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br />to approve April lfi, 1985 for the first meeting of the Board of Equalization <br />and Review and adjourn at the regular Commissioners' meeting on May 6, 1985. <br />V'QTE: UNAICIMOUS. <br />2. PURCHASE ~' SEVEN (7) VEHICLES Fit THE SHERIFF'S DEpA'R~TMF:nTP <br />Sheriff Pendergrass explained that seven (7) vehicles need to be <br />replaced at the present time: five (5) will need to be replaced for 19$5-86 <br />and seven (7) will need to be replaced each year thereafter. <br />Commissioner Marshall asked about the impact on the department of new <br />developments which increase the demands an service area. <br />Sheriff Pendergrass explained the additional service area will affect <br />the department in that it will eventually need to increase its work force. <br />Kenneth meson explained that the better vehicles with mileage <br />above I00,000 will be kept in the motor pool for reduced use. <br />Nation was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to authorize the issuance of a purchase order to Bobby Murray Chevrolet <br />of Raleigh in the amount of 573,909.08 for seven (7) Chevrolet Impalas to be <br />paid for and delivered after ~71i1y 1, 1.985. <br />VC1rE: Ut~P,NTMOUS. <br />3. CONrRP,C25 FQR Cd.D COURTHOUSE RENOVATION (Complete corrected and <br />signed copies are in the permanent agenda fil.e.) <br />In answer to Commissioner Marshall`s question about the supplementary <br />general. conditions that were not received for review by the Commissioners, <br />Kenneth Thompson explained that the conditions provide for a $200 a day penalty <br />for any titre in excess of the 210 days allowed. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained that changes need to be made to the <br />contracts in form only. <br />ifiotian was m3c7e by Commissioner Marshall, secorlaed by Commissioner <br />Carey to approve the wntracts and authorize the Chair to execute them on <br />behalf of the County subject to satisfactory review and correction, without any <br />substance changes, by the County attorney. <br />In answer to Conenissioner Lloyd's question about the alternatives <br />listed on page 6 of the contract, Thompson explained that three bids were <br />solicited for three different types of flooring. <br />Commissioner Carey expressed concern about the County incurring the <br />cost for the chiller pit and Kenneth Thompson explained that the F3istoric <br />Society and the Appearance Commission will be contacted for their approval tv <br />
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