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indicated will be acceptable in terms of the County's debt limit. While our initial application <br /> focuses on the McDougle roof, we anticipate another allocation being made to us similar to last <br /> year. We would apply for other CIP roofing and paving projects in the second round of <br /> applications. With both applications, we intend to apply for approximately $5 million in QSCBs <br /> for this year. We will need the signature of the Chair of the County Commissioners on our <br /> application, acknowledging that she is aware of the application. If we are successful, we will <br /> need to return to the Commissioners to seek approval for the sale of the bonds and a project <br /> ordinance. <br /> Elementary No. 11 <br /> We would not want this QSCB to negatively impact our ability to construct Elementary#11. With <br /> the Commissioners not having yet taken any actions to provide funding for the school's <br /> construction, Elementary 11's opening date has been delayed by at least three years. It would <br /> be helpful if the County staff could clarify when the County will be in a position to construct <br /> Elementary 11. This depends upon freeing up additional debt capacity and identifying funds to <br /> finance the construction of the school. We understand that the Commissioners will revisit the <br /> status of Elementary 11 next fall. <br /> Summary of CIP Concerns <br /> In summary, with the cooperation of the County Manager and Commissioners, we believe that we <br /> can address the capital projects that are currently included in our CIP for 2010-11. This will allow <br /> us to meet some of the most urgent health and safety capital needs, but it will continue to delay <br /> other much-needed capital projects. In the long run, we are extremely concerned that the County <br /> will continue to fall farther and farther behind on providing funding that will allow us to address <br /> the maintenance and construction needs of the school district. The 30% decrease in sales tax <br /> receipts over the last three years does not bode well for a healthy revenue stream to support the <br /> CIP. <br /> Frank Clifton said that in both school systems, they did talk about the qualified school <br /> construction bonds. If the funds are received and if the Board of County Commissioners <br /> authorizes it, there would not be any debt incurred this year. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked the school systems to help support the '/4-cent sales tax <br /> if the Board of County Commissioners decided to move forward with this option. <br /> 2. Fee Schedule <br /> Frank Clifton said that the Board of County Commissioners asked to review fees every <br /> year. <br /> Paul Laughton made reference to Appendix B, page 39 of the budget document, and said <br /> that any change would be highlighted. He went through all of the changes. The footnotes that <br /> explain the reasoning behind the increases are on page 66. There are changes in the <br /> Department on Aging, Library, ERCD, Parks and Recreation, Efland Sewer, Animal Services, <br /> Environmental Health, Personal Health, and Solid Waste. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Department on Aging, page 39, Senior <br /> Program Classes, and why they are only trying to recover a small percentage of the <br /> administrative costs. Paul Laughton said that the range is going from 10% to 25%. There was <br /> no one from the Department on Aging present, and staff will bring an answer at another time. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this is for programs that have private instructor taught classes. <br />