Orange County NC Website
� <br /> this. She asked the County Commissioners to please leave this area in Alamance County and <br /> not change it to Orange County because they cannot afford to pay Orange County taxes. <br /> Lorena Talley said that she is the only one on 9th Street that is not in Alamance County <br /> and she has been living in Mebane for 45 years, but pays Orange County taxes. She asked that <br /> her house be put in Alamance County. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Nelson <br /> to approve the Administration's recommendations, with minor changes as suggested by John <br /> Roberts, to approve the petition criteria; approve the process timelines; and approve the 2010 <br /> Local Bill regarding the Orange-Alamance boundary line. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked that John Roberts address his earlier concerns, but he will <br /> still vote in favor of this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the staff from both counties for all of the work they did on <br /> this. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reports <br /> a. Heritaqe Center Work Group Report <br /> The Board received the final report from the 2009 Heritage Center Work Group and <br /> considered next steps. <br /> Barbara Baker, the Heritage Center Work Group Facilitator, recognized the members of <br /> this work group and the consultant, Barbara Taylor. She said that they are encouraging the <br /> Board to consider exploring the development of an additional heritage resource and authorize <br /> the Orange County Public Library to work with the North Carolina Heritage Center project to <br /> begin that process. The suggestion is that the Rebecca Wall money could be used as possible <br /> seed money or matching money for grants. She asked that the County Commissioners support <br /> the Historical Foundation of Hillsborough to take over the Heritage Center. She also asked the <br /> County Commissioners to authorize County management to partner with the Town of <br /> Hillsborough to find some expanded space for the Orange County History Museum, because this <br /> agency could take on the Heritage Center. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this committee recognizes that it has completed its work and the <br /> committee can be sunset. <br /> The County Commissioners thanked the work group for all of this work. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger to <br /> approve the recommendations: <br /> 1. Explore the development of a digital heritage resource, as indicated in the <br /> abstract, as an initial step toward providing access to Countywide historical <br /> documents, artifacts, and archives; <br /> 2. Authorize the funds from the Rebecca B. Wall bequest to be allocated as <br /> $5,000 for seed money for initial projects and $20,000 be used as matches for <br /> grants over the next 4 years; <br /> 3. Authorize County management to continue its efforts with the Town of <br /> Hillsborough and the Foundation to achieve expanded programming space <br /> and allow for the development of heritage center services for both residents <br /> and visitors to the County; and <br /> 4. Approve the sunsetting of the Heritage Center Work Group, having completed <br /> its original charge from the Board of Commissioners on June 30, 2010. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />