Orange County NC Website
� <br /> WHEREAS, the timing of this permit renewal is such that renewal will occur prior to <br /> implementation of the new USEPA rules by the North Carolina Environmental Management <br /> Commission; and <br /> WHEREAS, Stericycle's annual waste incineration at its facility was reported as over 26 million <br /> pounds last year, with the potential for prevailing westerly winds to carry emissions into Orange <br /> County from this location, and <br /> WHEREAS, public concerns regarding medical waste incineration have been recently expressed <br /> by other local governments, specifically Mecklenburg County, the nearby Towns of Matthews and <br /> Stallings, and members of the public and environmental groups; and <br /> WHEREAS, the USEPA's action effectively provided notice that emission rates and other <br /> requirements would change; and <br /> WHEREAS, a three year advance notice period for compliance would be consistent with <br /> USEPA's approach in regulating existing affected sources under the Maximum Available Control <br /> Technology (MACT) program; and <br /> WHEREAS, since the North Carolina Division of Air Quality has already initiated the rulemaking <br /> process to incorporate the New Federal Standards into the North Carolina rules, it would be more <br /> efficient for the State to adopt a statewide rule as required by USEPA and pursue statewide <br /> implementation of the New Federal Standards; <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED <br /> That the Orange County Board of Commissioners respectfully requests that the North Carolina <br /> Environmental Management Commission adopt State rules implementing the October 6, 2009 <br /> Federal guidelines (40 CFE 60 Subpart Ce Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for <br /> Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators), with an effective compliance date for existing <br /> medical waste incinerators of no later than October 6, 2012 to include new operating conditions, <br /> completing modifications, beginning operations and demonstrating compliance by stack test by <br /> that date. <br /> This, the 18th day of May, 2010. <br /> VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Items Removed From Consent Aqenda <br /> e. Renewal of Food and Orqanic Waste Collection and Compostinq Contract <br /> The Board considered renewing the contract that enables the County Solid Waste <br /> Management Department to provide collection and composting services for separated food <br /> waste, organic material and animal bedding to commercial and institutional establishments <br /> throughout the County, including for UNC-Chapel Hill and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the last time this contract was renewed, he had some <br /> issues with it, and he still has some questions about it. There are two glaring absences in food <br /> waste collection. He asked about the schools and if they contract their food waste disposal <br /> separately. <br />