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Q `~ a~, <br />etc. Recently, there have been more objective studies to gather the information <br />and implications associated with merger. <br />23. Max Kennedy noted that Orange County would need to increase its per <br />pupil cost by 51.6 to be the same as Chapel Frill and asked how systems had <br />dealt with increases of this magnitude. <br />Dr. Spencer stated that generally. the amount does increase signifi- <br />cantly in the County. Usually the Countywide levy is increased to take care of <br />the difference. <br />24. Mr. Murphee asked what unique procedures have been followed. in elect- <br />ing the board for a merged system, and tk~ malc~p of the board. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated most study corcani.ssions elect according to <br />districts. <br />25. Gary Muirhead, UNC student, asked about the differences and emphasis <br />on the different programs offered and how this would be taken into account. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated that the programs would be reviewed in terns of <br />what constitutes a good education -- course offerings. staffing, etc. <br />26. Martha Cleary asked if the special program entitled TEACH, which is <br />located at UNC in Chapel Hill, would be studied. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated it would be studied. <br />27. Dr. Mayer, Superinterx3ent of Chapel Hill~:arrboro Schools inquired if <br />each system would maintain their own policies or if policies would be combined. <br />Dr. Spencer irr]icated this would be resolved before merger or during <br />the transistion period. <br />Norman Flaithcock thanked Dr. Spencer for his presentation and the infor- <br />mation he shared. ~ adjourned the meeting at 9:45. <br />Don Willhoit, Chair <br />Bevelry A. Blythe, Clerk <br />