Minutes - 19850311
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19850311
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02~ <br />3. Sue Baker asked if after merger any of the syst~ns used <br />transportation to transport students back and forth to different programs <br />instead of duplicating the programs. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated there has been very little success in getting <br />students to transfer to other schools for a two or three hour block. <br />4. Walter Fairbault asked if student achiev~nt had been studied before <br />and after merger. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated that achievement tests had not been adminis- <br />tered because the scares are greatly influenced by what parents want for their <br />children. Where merger has occurred there has been a renewed enthusiasm and <br />optimism. <br />5. Max Kennedy asked about the length of time it would take the State <br />Department to do a study for orange County-Chapel Hill/Carrboro Schools arx~ the <br />cast. <br />Dr. Spencer stated a typical study takes approximately one year and <br />cast the County nothing. <br />6. Verla Insko inquired if the study would look at programs acid project <br />a cost to upgrade both systems equally to preserve the best of both systems. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated that generally the programs are reviewed. <br />Program differences and special subjects are identified in addition to a staff <br />review. The organization of the central office is reviewed and a suggested <br />reorganization for the central office if rcerger occurs. <br />7. June Haas asked about the time that would be required of the school <br />administrative staffs. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated that is generally not a problem. The team <br />would spend approximately three days with each superintendent. <br />8. Dr. Parrish asked about the procedure for gathering information about <br />the differences in the County and the attitudes of the people. <br />Dr. Spencer indicated information will be solicited from people in <br />the County through interviews. <br />9. Commissioner Marshall inquired how the State Department worked with <br />the Blue Ribbon Caarnnittee. <br />Dr. Spencer cited the situation at Robeson County where a blue ri}r- <br />bon committee was in place. The State Department worked with the .Committee, <br />meeting with them six tines, and provided the Blue Ribbon Committee with a full <br />report of the State's findings. <br />10. Commissioner Carey asked about the difference between feasibility axd <br />implications study. <br />Dr. Spencer noted that an implications study could also identify <br />pra~bl~ created by the merger that need to be dealt with. <br />I1. Max Kennedy asked Dr. Spencer for his suggestion for the situation in <br />orange County. <br />Dr. Spencer suggested that both School Boards aril the County Commis- <br />sioners look at the opportunities that are a~rai].able to the child based on <br />where that child lives. Fie encouraged the three boards to Look at the <br />situation in a comprehensive way to determine what is best for all the children <br />in Orange County. <br />12. Verla Tnsko asked about the survey with regard to attitudes. <br />Dr. Spencer explained the State Department is interested in Con[~nity <br />response, particularly fraun constunity leaders. He explained that most <br />mergers have a transition board which operates for six months or one year that <br />is responsible for building facilities and signing contracts. This mutual <br />
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