Minutes - 19850306
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19850306
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8/14/2008 12:55:33 PM
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8/13/2008 12:43:29 PM
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ois <br />GRANGE COUN2'Y PLANN~IVG BOAF6~ <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Walker, secorr3ed by Commissioner Carey <br />to appoint Chris Best to this Board. <br />57C1I'E: LiNF,NINlWS. <br />E. ITF~'!S FOR DEICISION <br />1. PRELIMII~RY P RICHAI~ C At~7 HQA7ITA F. RC~IICH <br />Director of Planning Marvin Collins stated the property is located on <br />5R 1341 (Harnnny Church Road> in Cheeks 'lbwnship. There are two (2) lots <br />proposed out of a 10.17 acre tract. The property is zoned A R (Agricultural <br />Residential and designated as such in the Land Use Plan. Because this is a <br />two-lot subdivision, the planning staff felt there would be minimal impact in <br />that area. The Planning Board recommended approval of the subdivision at their <br />February 18, 1985 meeting with the wrrlition that there be a fifteen foot <br />drainage easement provided along the rear lot lines of both lots. <br />Motion was made by Cor~anissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Lloyd <br />to approve the recommendation from the Planning Board. <br />VDl'E: I~i~7IMWS. <br />2 RELIMINAL2Y IAN-i~1RREN S. SUMMEY SR. <br />Marvin Collins correrented that the property is located i.n Eno Township <br />on Miller Read. Two lots are proposed: (1) 1.7982 acres and (2) 2.8331 acres. <br />The property is zoned A-R and is desiggnated Agricultural Residential in the <br />L3txl Use Plan. <br />Motion was made bI' Corienissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br />to approve the recor~m~endation from the Planning Board, <br />VDrE: L1I~NIN1pUS. <br />3. PRELTNlII~T1IRY PLAN~,RTEEt MEAD SDCTIOd~S ~ AND THREE <br />Marvin Collins indicated the property is located on SR 1541 (Kiger <br />Road) in Little River ToFmship. The tract is designated as Rural Residential <br />i.r, the Land Use Plan. Thirty-three lots are proposed out of 34.566 acres. One <br />problem with this subdivision is that some of the approvals from the Health <br />Department have not been received for the lots located on the west side of <br />Kiger Road. The Planning Board recommended preliminary plat approval for lots <br />16 through 33 - a total of 18 lots. The Health Departrt~ent has conducted a <br />percolation test on each of these lots. It is recommended that the approval <br />for the lots on the west side be deferred until the Health Department has <br />completed percolation tests on all lots. <br />In answer to Commissioner Marshall's question about the paving of this <br />road, Collins indicated the road is not paved but is a preexisting state <br />maintained road which satisfies the Subdivision Ordinance requirements. <br />Comtnissfoner Walker questioned whether a 60-foot right-~of-way existed. <br />Collins indicated that, from the surveyor's i.rx3ication, there is a 60-foot <br />right~f~vay on this road. <br />In answer to Chair Willhoit's question about the destination of the <br />road, Collins irr7icated the road goes to the north aril back in to serve other <br />property but does not go all the way through. Willhoit asked how that road was <br />going to get paved. Collins indicated the only way for the road to be paved in <br />the future is through the Participatory Paving Project. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill clarified the road would not be wnsidered a <br />subdivision road but a secorxiary road. <br />Chair Willhoit noted that as a seoorrlaxy road it could displace some <br />of the other secondary roads on the paving priority list. Furtherrrore, if the <br />
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