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Orange County SE & SC Ordinance October 23 2007 <br />C. Plan Requirements <br />The Erosion Control Officer reserves they right to require preparation and approval of <br />an Erosion Control Plan in any instance wherein extensive control measures are <br />required. <br />D. Reservoir Sites <br />This rule shall not require ground cover on cleared land forming the future basin of a <br />planned reservoir unless the disturbance and length of time of the exposure prior to the <br />filling of the reservoir will result in erosion and sedimentation of the downstream <br />channel. <br />SECTION 16 EROSION CONTROL OFFICER <br />This Ordinance creates the position of Orange County Erosion Control Officer who will <br />be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance. The Orange County <br />Erosion Control Officer shall work with the planning boards and the elected governing <br />boards of the planning jurisdictions within Orange County in administering and enforcing <br />this Ordinance. <br />SECTION 17 PERMITS <br />A. When Required <br />No person shall undertake any land - disturbing activity which would require the <br />uncovering of 20,000 square feet or more of land, or 10,000 square feet or more of <br />land if within the University Lake, Cane Creek, or Upper Eno Watersheds, without <br />first obtaining the required approvals and permits from the Erosion Control Officer. <br />Permit Application forms must be signed by the landowner or his authorized agent. <br />The agent signing must have a signed letter of authorization from the owner. Every <br />permit issued by the Erosion Control Officer shall expressly prohibit open burning of <br />trees, limbs, stumps and construction debris associated with the permitted activity. <br />No permit is required for the following activities: <br />• For the purpose of fighting fires. <br />• For the stockpiling of raw or processed sand, stone, or gravel in material <br />processing plants and storage yards, provided that sediment control measures have <br />been utilized to protect against off -site damage. <br />• For disturbances that do not exceed 20,000 square feet in surface area, or 10,000 <br />square feet if within the University Lake, Cane Creek, or Upper Eno Watersheds. <br />In determining the area, lands under one or diverse ownership being developed as <br />a unit will be aggregated. <br />24 <br />