Orange County NC Website
Orange County SE & SC Ordinance October 23 2007 <br />SECTION 11 ACCESS AND HAUL ROADS <br />Temporary access and haul roads, other than public roads, constructed or used in <br />connection with any land - disturbing activity shall be considered a part of such activity. <br />With respect to development in the University Lake, Cane Creek, and Upper Eno <br />Watersheds, these access and haul roads shall have gravel pads placed at the entrance of <br />the site of a land- disturbing activity. <br />SECTION 12 OPERATIONS IN LAKES OR OTHER NATURAL <br />WATERCOURSES <br />Land - disturbing activity in connection with construction in, on, over or under a lake or <br />natural watercourse shall be planned and conducted in such a manner as to minimize the <br />extent and duration of disturbance of the stream channel. The relocation of a stream, <br />where relocation is an essential part of the proposed activity, shall be planned and <br />executed so as to minimize changes in the stream flow characteristics except when <br />justification for significant alteration to flow characteristics is provided. Every effort shall <br />be made to maintain buffer zones consisting of existing vegetation between the land - <br />disturbing activity and the watercourse. <br />SECTION 13 RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSTALLATION AND <br />MAINTENANCE <br />During the development of a site, the person engaged in or conducting the land - disturbing <br />activity shall be responsible for installing and maintaining all temporary and permanent <br />erosion and sedimentation control measures and facilities as required by the approved or <br />revised Erosion Control Plan, any provision of the Ordinance, the Act, or any order <br />adopted pursuant to this Ordinance or the Act. The responsibility for installing and <br />maintaining permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures and facilities after <br />completion of the site development shall lie with the land owner or person in possession <br />or control of the land except facilities and measures installed within road or street rights - <br />of -way or easements accepted for maintenance by a government agency. <br />22 <br />