Orange County NC Website
Orange County SE & SC Ordinance October 23 2007 <br />Twenty- five.Year Storm - means the surface runoff resulting from a rainfall of an <br />intensity expected to be equaled or exceeded, on the average, once in 25 years, and of a <br />duration which will produce the maximum peak rate of runoff, from the watershed of <br />interest under average antecedent wetness conditions. <br />Uncovered - means the removal of ground cover from, on, or above the soil surface. <br />Undertaken - means the initiating of any activity, or phase of activity, which results or <br />will result in a change in the ground cover or topography of a tract of land. <br />University Lake Watershed Area - comprises all the land area contributing water to <br />University Lake. <br />Upper Eno Watershed Area — comprises all the land area contributing water to either <br />Corporation Lake, Lake Ben Johnston, Lake Orange, or West Fork on the Eno Reservoir. <br />Velocity - means the average velocity of flow through the cross - section of the main <br />channel at the peak flow of the storm of interest. The cross section of the main channel <br />shall be that area defined by the geometry of the channel plus the area of the flow below <br />the flood height defined by vertical lines at the main channel banks. Overload flows are <br />not being included for the purpose of computing velocity of flow. <br />Waste - means surplus materials resulting from on -site construction and disposed of at <br />other locations. <br />Wetland - areas that are inundated or saturated at a frequency and for a duration sufficient <br />to support a prevalence of vegetative or aquatic life requiring saturated or seasonally <br />saturated soil conditions for growth and reproduction. <br />Working Days - means days exclusive of Saturday and Sunday during which weather <br />conditions or soil conditions permit land - disturbing activity to be undertaken. <br />