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3 ~~ <br />~~ <br />Sid Medlin of Charlotte indicated he also was one of the first residents <br />of Oakdale tfobile IIome Park and that it is very nice. IIe indicated that ^Ir. <br />Stephens sets firm rules and deals with all park problems himself. FIe added <br />that he knows there is a need far mobile home spaces as he has.been looking for <br />a space for 4 months orhile his wife resides here with her new job and he lives <br />in Charlotte while they seek new living arrangements. <br />Fzank Williams. co-owner of 145 acres adjacent to the site, indicated that <br />he had discussed this matter with the two other owners and that they had ea- <br />pressed concern about lowering of the property values, particularly given the <br />..---. location in vicinity of I-40. P_e added that he coos not opposed to mobile homes <br />but was concerned that mobile home parks run down after some years. fIe added <br />that he drove through Oakdale Iā€¢iobile Home Park I and was impressed with it. He <br />asked that the Board recruire all improvements be in place prior to the start-- <br />up of the park, if approved. <br />Charlotte fIuckabee expressed concern that there is also a need for up- <br />graded housing and that her nephew had been searching far same time. She added <br />that her property would be a buffer far this proposal. <br />NOTE: HILDA BROAY ETAS SWORN IN. <br />Ms. Brady asked if a second phase of the park was planned. Stephens re- <br />sponded that there was no second phase proposed. <br />Smith clarified that the property was located in the Rural Buffer and that <br />under that plan designation only a density of one unit per acre vras permitted. <br />Stephens indicated that he was clustering the permitted number of units on <br />the property to provide for utilities and improvements and to retain the wooded <br />area for recreation and open space. Pe added that this is a breakeven project <br />given that his son, who helps maintain the existing property, is now older and <br />will be given a salary. <br />Shanklin asked if those who stated that the use would not enhance the <br />value of their property had any evidence supporting their comments, i.e. <br />examples of where such uses affected property adversely. Shanklin added that <br />this evidence should be submitted at this time. <br />Huckabee expressed concern that she felt the property would be difficult <br />to sell as a result. Williams indicated that his comments were based only on <br />the feelings of the other owners. ' <br />Stephens noted that three. mobile homes currently adjoin the property and <br />Mr. Williams property and that these were in bad shape. He submitted pictures <br />of the adjoining mobile homes and pictures of Oakdale Park I as evidence. <br />Stephens indicated he was willing to comply with the staff recommended <br />conditions. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Chair Willhoit that <br />,. the public hearing be continued tv January 7, 198 to receive the Planning <br />Board's recommendation. <br />-- VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />8. <br />HISTORIC STRUCTURES <br />The staff presentation was made by Susan Smith. There was no comment on <br />the item. <br />9. ~N~~IS 0~3>INAt4CE _ T~~~ Af~1E1ti'DPiE~-rt~~Q~. VEHI_CLE_ SALE~L~E~P~~~~__.I~ ~~ <br />ZONING DISTRICT <br />The staff presentation was made by Susan Smith. <br />