Orange County NC Website
~} -~ r <br />t) ~: L <br />13 <br />would serve only as low-cost temporary housing without contribution to the tax <br />base; that the units would require additional services; that the units would be <br />a target in violent storms; that the units would be unattractive; that the <br />residents would not take pride fn the grounds; that she would have to make <br />similar use of her, land, that the use would not make a positive contribution to <br />the area, and that a project providing housing to attract young professionals <br />should be substituted. <br />--. Roger Dale Stephens responded that this was not a rezoning and that there <br />was a dire need for mobile home spaces in the area. He continued that he had a <br />petition of 192 signatures indicating the need for mobile home spaces; that he <br />was the owner/operator of a park constructed in 1981 in which 26 spaces were <br />filled in advance of its completion; that he has references of support for the <br />existing and proposed parks; that he had letters of support from adjacent <br />homeoowners around the existing parks; that he wanted to be proud of his <br />development; that the cheapest conventional home was 548-50.000 with 510,000 <br />down payment and that he provided alternatives for those who could not afford <br />this; that 57 families would benefit; that the units would be clustered rather <br />than spread across the County; that a l00' setback is provided; that the <br />property is located 1200' off the road; that the existing road will be paved <br />and landscaped and the property values enhanced as the result; that the <br />extension of public weter and sewer will enhance the property values; that the <br />value of the property is 5400,000.00 which the bank would not have funded if <br />• the use for which the monies were obtained would be detrimental to surrounding <br />properties and residents; that the traffic contribution would be relatively <br />small; that neighboring uses include mobile homes; that clustering of the units <br />.-_. allows economic maintenance and installation of public services; that the <br />portion of the site to be utilized is afield overgrown in pines and that the <br />portion of the property to remain undisturbed is in mature hardwoods; that the <br />central facility is to be located in the area that cues cleared by the previous <br />use for an archery range; that drainage easements are shown for all cree}a on <br />the property; that the entire front corner of the property is to be retained in <br />open space for least visual impact; that the entire perimeter of the property <br />will have a minimum 100 foot vegetated buffer; that all paved surfaces are 100' <br />from the property line; that only 20 out of 54 acres will be disturbed with the <br />remainder in open space; that pedestrian paths cross at right angles to <br />vehicular pathways; that the 30~ open space and recreation space requirement is <br />exceeded; that a tot lot, basketball court and swimming pool are to be <br />provided; that submission of utility plans to the Hillsborough consulting <br />engineer and the State has been done and that the state is reviewing these <br />plans for acceptance. C~'~%~~eq p,.aL 5u~vrfi•r9 ~rr~.~{s i., perNra~vaf y~,a~,. Ft/e~ <br />-- Rodney Turner, representative of Pict?eese Cooper of North Carolina, spoke <br />in support of the project indicating there is a need for mobile home spaces for <br />elderly couples in their retirement and young couples starting out. He con- <br />. tinned that NIr. Stephens well maintains his mobile home park. He noted that <br />one of his corporation's criteria is that suitable spaces be found for their <br />mobile homes. He added that he lives within two miles of the Oakdale Mobile <br />Park and that it is well kept. <br />Ricky Smith spo}:e in favor of the proposal indicating that he and his wife <br />were the first residents of Oakdale riobile Home Park and that it is well mani~ <br />cured and family oriented. He noted that a mobile home is a way to start with <br />home-ownership and that he was proud of his home and not ashamed of it. <br />~. <br />